017 | what now?

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"Okay! Go time!" Dom's voice crackled over Letty's walkie-talkie

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"Okay! Go time!" Dom's voice crackled over Letty's walkie-talkie. I watched as his car shot forward, disappearing in front of the truck as its horn started to blow.

"We're all good. I got nothing on the scanners," Leon's voice came next, and Letty visibly relaxed a little. Her nervous aura seemed to lessen at Leon's words.

I glanced around and noticed that our three cars and the truck were the only ones on this road. "Wow, we might actually not die or get caught," I mumbled as Letty blinked at me slowly as we kept up with the truck.

"He's got a damn shotgun! Leon!" Dom shouted through the small radio as terror suddenly struck me. I can't remember when I heard panic in my brother's voice.

"I take it back," I whispered, terrified, hoping that none of us get shot.

"Back off! Get him off of there!" Leon called back through the radio, but all I could see was Dom's car swerving up ahead before a bike helmet flew past us.

Feeling my heartbeat in my throat, I helplessly watch as Dom hangs out of his window with an outstretched hand until his taillight gets shot out, and my brother quickly moves out of the firing line.

I gasped when Letty made a sharp left, leveling us with the side of the truck, and I groaned. This wasn't going to be good.

"Dom! I'm pulling up to distract him!" Letty yelled into the radio before quickly throwing it over her shoulder into the backseat. The car roars as we accelerate faster into the "Hold on tight, Mija."

Swerving in front of the truck, I thoroughly regretted getting into the car, but now all I could do was hope my family made it out alive "Come on, boy!" Letty shouted as she weaved moved back and forth.

Turning in my seat, my eyes went wide. "Letty!" I yelled when I saw the end of a shotgun pointed at us before the car's back window got shot at and cracks.

"Son of a bitch" Letty cried as we both leaned down, trying not to get shot. We started to slow down, moving away from the front of the truck and driving alongside it.

"You okay?" I nodded silently at her question. Letty quickly looks around. "Where's the radio?" Remembering what she had done to it before, I took off my seat belt and leaned over to the back seats.

I picked up the radio and handed it to Letty "Dom! Move out of the way. I'm coming to get him." Letty passed me back the radio, and I held onto it tightly.

Hearing her words, I glanced at her, confused. "How are we going to do that?".

Letty gave me a serious look. "Close your eyes" Frowning at her suspiciously, I screamed when she suddenly slammed on the pedal and drove us under the truck and out the other side.

"You crazy bitch" I laughed as I held a hand to my chest. The adrenaline was amazing, but knowing this whole thing could be a deadly operation was sobering.

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