Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*Cierra's pov*

Right when I begin to drift off, my phone buzzes. I check it and squint at the text, since my room is pitch black. It's Connor.

Do you think you could come over? It's kinda important and I need someone to talk to.

Sure, I can. What happened?

I'll tell you when you come over. It's kinda long.

Ok, I'm coming.

I change into different clothes and sneak out the front door. I close the door slowly and quietly. I knock on Connor's door, and a few seconds later he appears. His eyes are puffy and his face looks like there were tears running down it.

"Oh Connor," I say while he embraces me. He sniffs and cries silently into my shoulder. I feel so bad for him, but I have no idea why he's acting like this! I unhook my arms from his and say,

"Let's go inside, can you tell me what happened?" I ask. He nods and looks like a sad puppy. He sits me down on the couch and explains everything. About how he knew Jenn's reputation before they ever dated, about parties he attended with her, and tonight. My mouth is wide open by the time he ends the story.

"Connor I had no idea..." I start. A tear trickles down his face.

"I'm so sorry..." I try comforting him. I wrap an arm around him as he cries again.

"I just don't get it. Whenever we weren't at parties, when she wasn't like that, she was the best girlfriend ever. I just thought she took it way too far... So I dumped her," he says with a shaky voice. "Did... Did I do the right thing? Dumping her?" I nod.

"You don't deserve a girlfriend who just uses you like that, you did the right thing," I say.

He tries to calm down his crying, but it isn't really working. I hug him, and feel his heart beat fast because he's breathing heavy.

"You, you know you're one of my best friends Cierra," he says after a while. I smile stroking his hair.

"I know, you are too," I reply.

"You're always there for me, and I'm so happy you're my friend."

"Thanks Connor."

We come out of our hug and sit on the couch in silence. We look into each other's eyes at the same time. But this time, we stuck staring at each other. The light from the moon made his green eyes shine. Our hands touch, but we don't notice. We are still staring. We inch closer to each other, and our lips touch. We forgot about the past, even what happened minutes before this. We just kiss. He wraps his arms around my hips and I toss mine over his shoulders. We both have secretly loved each for a long time, and this is the time when the secret is broken. He strokes my hair as I grip his shirt. He releases his lips from mine and says,

"Maybe it wasn't horrible that I dumped Jenn tonight." I try responding but he closes my lips. He whispers in my ear,

"Cierra, do you know how long I've waited to tell you I love you?" I respond,

"Too long I can guess. But did you know, that I love you too?"

"I do now," he says cracking a grin. He kisses me again, and we drift off to sleep together.

Cierra and Connor aww everything is good for now...

Also go check out my friend kkianlawleyy's fanfic My Sister's Boyfriend!

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