Chapter 28

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I took Tristan's hand and headed to the middle of the dance floor where a song was already playing, filling the ballroom with soft notes. Dancing with Tristan was different than dancing with Julian; everything was different with them. Julian was passionate and left me on fire while Tristan was more intimate, making me feel like I've always known him. Julian didn't speak at all, but his dancing and eyes told me everything. Tristan, on the other hand, whispered sweet-nothings in my ear. He didn't spin me around or lift me into the air; he pulled me close and danced slowly as our foreheads touched.

I've been waiting every day,

For you to be in my arms,

"I have to admit," Tristan whispered. "I was a little jealous seeing you dance with Julian."

I lifted an eyebrow, surprised at his admission. "Oh, you were?" I whispered back.

I've kept my demons at bay,

"Why wouldn't I be? You're beautiful, Claire. I feel something with you that I haven't in awhile."

To keep you from harm,

I felt myself blushing. "I—thank you, Tristan. I don't know what to say..."

Because I can't stay away from you, my love.

When our eyes met, waves of aqua crashed over me, taking my breath away. In that instant, those eyes that I have seen my whole life threatened my ability to hold myself up. They always had an effect on me, but something was different—overwhelming.

"Don't say anything. You just have to listen. I know I was...difficult, but it's because you scared me. When Julian brought you here and told me about your visions, I was scared to get close to you. Since Eretria...I swore to myself I would never love someone as I have loved her. She was my soulmate, Claire. I thought that maybe your visions meant you were to replace her, and I wasn't ready to let her go just yet." Tristan pulled away slightly, and his expression grew more serious.

Even if you fell from high above.

"You see, vampires have soulmates. Every vampire has one, and when you find yours, you become one. It's an intense love that is stronger than any human couple could feel. Eretria was my soulmate. My father may have arranged the marriage, but when we both turned 23, the bond began. We were completely in love, and when she died... I—it's like a part of you is missing. It leaves you empty. When I first saw you, that feeling you get when you found your soulmate returned. I was scared, Claire. I was scared that I was replacing Eretria, and I was scared because you only get one soulmate. You don't get a second chance. I don't know what any of this means." Tristan sighed and placed his hand on my cheek.

I suddenly felt lightheaded; the room felt like it was spinning. I knew I felt something towards Tristan, but soulmates? If every vampire has one then...

Then whose Julian's soulmate? Would I still feel something for someone else if I had a soulmate? Is it because I'm still human?

"I'm your soulmate?"

"I believe you are, Claire. I feel it. I don't know why this is happening, but it must be for a good reason. Vampires don't get another shot at this," he replied softly while caressing the side of my face.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Does anyone else know?" I croaked. My heart was now pounding in my chest. This overwhelming feeling was starting to scare me.

"I wasn't sure until now. I've thought about it constantly. It has become even more apparent since you have stayed in my room. No one else knows. I didn't want to say anything unless I knew for sure."

My breathing became more erratic, and the lightheadedness became more intense. His words were knocking into me like a wrecking ball.

Am I having a panic attack? What's wrong with me?

"Claire, are you okay?" Tristan asked, concerned and rested his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him and then around me. We were still in the middle of the dance floor, but the music had stopped.

"Uh...yeah. I just—it's a lot to take in." I tried to focus on my breathing.

Tristan gave me a small, hopeful smile. "Don't you feel it too? Remember when you found me when I was playing the piano? When you touched me, I felt electricity. That's part of the bond, Claire."


I was cut off by the sound of King Gabriel's voice.

"May I cut in, son?" He requested, but it was more of an order.

Tristan's mouth flattened, and I could feel the irritation radiating off of him. He was expecting an answer after finally opening up to me, but he couldn't deny his King.

"Of course." Tristan bowed. The look in his eyes was a promise that we would talk more about everything later.

King Gabriel flicked his wrist in the air. On cue, music began to play. Both my hands rested in his, and we began to sway to the music.

"How are you liking the ball, Claire?" He hummed.

"It's...amazing. Celine is quite the decorator," I complimented while I spun around.

"I'm glad you are enjoying yourself." He gave me a warm smile. "Any more visions or dreams?"

An uneasy feeling hit me. It had been the longest I've ever gone without them.

"Actually, no. I haven't seen anything for awhile now. Maybe because the attacks stopped?"

"Hmmm...maybe." He looked as if he was thinking.

"Have you figured out why I have them?  Did you talk to that person that could possibly help?" I questioned, hopefully. I wanted to know why I've had these dreams my whole life; I needed to know.

"I'm sorry, but he still hasn't found anything on it. As soon as I know something, I will come to you with it. I know it mu—" King Gabriel was still talking, but I couldn't hear the words coming out of his mouth.

Everything started to tune out. Even my eyesight began to fade until everything was black. A voice floated through the darkness.


A scene appeared in front of me. It was of the person carrying Eretria to that grave. It was a continuance of what I saw last time. The person I couldn't identify before jumped out of the hole in the ground. I was able to freely move closer to see inside. Eretria was lying inside the coffin with her arms at her sides. Her dark hair was sprawled out around her pale face. She looked so peaceful. He reached inside of the grave to pull down the lid of the coffin.  Before the lid shut all the way, her eyes burst open, and she locked her bright, blue eyes with mine. The lid shut, and the person who was still a mystery, began to shovel dirt into the hole.

"Stop!"  I yelled, but the person didn't stop.  "She's alive!  She's alive!"

I continued to scream on the top of my lungs. I was frantic, but I couldn't move. I couldn't grab the person and force them to stop. I couldn't let them know.


That voice echoed again. Everything started to fade into black, pulling me from the scene that had I just witnessed. Everything in my body wanted to stay—to stop that person. When Eretria's eyes locked with mine, a strange feeling shot through my body.

I was pulled into another vision. That voice repeated my name again, and the scene of the castle garden came into view. I was now in control of my body. A force drew me towards the garden, and my legs carried me to flowers. They weren't just any type of flower, though; they were forget-me-not flowers. I picked a bluish-purple one and twirled it between my fingers.


Everything began to fade again until I was once again surrounded by black.

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