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I lean on the brick wall behind me and stare out into the busy Boston street. The traffic is heavy, surprisingly so for this time of night and on a Thursday at that. I inhale a puff a smoke from my cigarette and run my hand through my hair as I wait for Monica to exit the building.

I hear the door open beside me and flick the rest of my cigarette away when Monica walks out. "Hey." I say, giving her a lopsided smile.

"Hey." She gives me a halfhearted smile back and then turns on her heel, walking in the direction of my truck which is parked on the street.

Hey. That's it? I arch my brow as I study her retreating frame from behind. Her steps are quick, almost hurried as she makes her way over to it. What the fuck is that about?

I don't think too much about it as I follow suit. Hopping in my truck I ask, "how was your shift?"


"Just fine?"

"Yeah. Just fine." There's a twinge of something in her tone that I've never quite heard before.

I look over at her as I start the truck. Fine. Knowing Monica the way I do I'd say that particular tone suggests anything other than the word fine. I look at her for a moment longer, thinking maybe she'll continue talking but she's just staring out the window aimlessly.

Well, okay then...

I pull onto the street and am grateful for the fact that we don't live too far. The entire drive she's quiet, wordlessly fidgeting with her fingers in her lap. She purses her lips every now and again like she wants to say something but is holding back. I don't think I've ever been so god damn confused in my entire life.

Once we're home she quickly jumps out of the truck, hopping down onto the pavement. Her heels click quickly up the steps and through the door, with me trailing in confusion behind her. What the hell is going on? And this is one of the many reasons I don't do relationships.

When I'd dropped her off for her shift this afternoon Monica was all smiles. Now I have no idea what's gotten into her. She's done a complete one-eighty. She's clearly agitated about something even though she's apparently just fine. I eye the complex door and then eye the truck one last time, debating if I should just jump back in and take the fuck off.

Probably not a good idea. Let's just get whatever this is over with.

I let out a hearty sigh before heading inside. Monica's already in her apartment when I get there. I try the handle and it's open, thankfully. For some unknown reason a part of me didn't expect it to be. Once I swing open the door my eyes land directly on her half-naked body. I don't say anything as I watch her change but it's not long before she decides to speak.

"So, that Lola girl who works the bar," Monica begins slipping out of her tight black pants "she really fucking hates me."

"Why do you think that?" Truthfully, I knew that it was because Lola wanted yours truly all to herself, but there was no way I was saying that one to her. No reason to create unnecessary drama.

"Probably because you were fucking her before and now she's being a cunt to me because I'm with you now. That's probably why, Sean." She deadpans as she stands there in her underwear.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ➀Where stories live. Discover now