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"Jack..." I approached him slowly. "You don't want him, you want me. Let him go and we'll talk-"

"Talk?" He laughed.

"We had our chance to talk Rose, but you chose to do things the hard way."

He gripped onto Tyler's throat harder, causing him to let out a sound of pain.

"Jack! Jack please just take me instead, don't cause anyone any more harm."

He sighed, looking between Tyler and I before throwing him across the ground.

He landed just before my feet, gripping his throat and looking at me as if I were crazy.

I stepped over him and cleared my throat, taking another step towards Jack before Michaelangelo could do anything more.

"If anyone comes after us...I'll kill her." Jack spoke, taking my arm roughly in his hand and guiding me towards a horse.

He pushed me up first and then hoisted himself up, grabbing the reins in front of my hands and guiding us further from the kingdom.

We rode for what seemed to me, to be half an hour before we came to a clearing.

Jack's men dismounted and he pushed me from the horse and I landed on my hands and knees, before I could get up again, Jack's foot kicked my side hard.

I coughed at the sudden blow to my side, trying desperately to catch my breath as I once again, propped myself onto my knees.

Before I could do or say anything, Jack grabbed a fistful of my hair, bringing me up quickly with his hand.

"Well well well, what are we going to do with you Rosie?"

I grimaced at the nickname he'd given me and he threw me at the feet of his men before making his way over to me once more and gripping my hair.

"How did you find me?" I coughed.

"It wasn't hard to make the old couple talk." He chuckled.

As he forced me to look at him, I noticed that his eyes were cold, distant and there was a madness deep within them that I felt even he was afraid of.

Before I could look any deeper, his fist was brought down into my face repeatedly. With every blow came an insult.








By the end of the beating I knew that my nose was broken, and my lip was sore and bleeding.

He slammed my head into the ground and looked to his men, telling them to pick me up to which they obliged slowly.

"Where is your pretty boy now?"

Jack asked as he chuckled darkly, waving a shiny object in front of my face.

Before I could inspect it further I felt a slow burning across my temple and down the side of my face.

I thrashed around and tried to get free as I realized Jack was cutting into me with a knife.

"This won't be over quickly Rose, so you can forget about it."

He smiled as he licked his knife clean.

"Alpha...what- what are you going to do?" One of his men questioned.

The Alpha's Rose.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ