Part Four

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"So.. what do I wear?" Asked Leo as Calvin got dressed in a black tee shirt and denim, ripped skinny jeans. Calvin shrugged.
"I don't know. I have some clothes you could wear. We're about the same size, right?" Calvin was a few inches shorter than Leo, but they looked above the same weight. "You can look in my closet for something." He said, and Leo opened the closet door. Calvin owned a lot of clothing. For such a quiet guy, he definitely had some loud shirts. Leo picked out an electric blue tee shirt with some black skinny jeans. Thank god there were a bit long on Calvin, or they'd be capris on Leo. The boys got dressed then went downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen was decorated with blue, extremely ornate tiles, which Leo had failed to notice before.
"Mom's at work already. We'll have to take the bus. It gets here in 10-15 minutes." The blonde explained as he grabbed a chocolate filled croissant. Leo nodded, and grabbed a similar pastry. The two stood at the counter, eating their breakfast. Calvin ate so delicately that not even a crumb was in palm or on his face. Leo, however, was a hot mess. Calvin was so focused on his food, that only when he finally finished and threw away his napkin, did he notice Leo's face. Calvin, trying to be polite, stifled a laugh. He walked over to the farther part of the counter and retrieved a paper towel. He walked back over to Leo and handed it to him. "There's a little something- on your face." He motioned to Leo's lips. Leo dabbed the towel there.
"Better?" He asked, a small smile forming on his previously chocolate covered lips. Calvin nodded, smiling as well. The blonde glanced at the clock. They had ten minutes to get to the bus stop.
"We need to go brush our teeth and shit. We'll leave in five-ish minutes or we'll be late." Leo nodded and followed Calvin upstairs to his bathroom. Calvin brushed his teeth and washed his face.
"Which toothbrush do I use?" Leo asked. Calvin shrugged.
"I don't have any extras, but there's mouthwash in that cabinet right there." Leo nodded, and opened the cabinet. He used the mouthwash, then closed it and returned it to the cabinet. Calvin checked a nearby clock. "We need to leave in, uh- two minutes. Grab your stuff, put your shoes on, and you can leave your dirty clothes here. You can get them after school." Calvin instructed, and the two rushed into the bedroom. Leo grabbed his checkered backpack, and threw his dirty clothes in the corner. He slid on his sneakers. Calvin put on his navy blue backpack, and laced up his sneakers. Calvin once again checked a clock. "One minute. We need to get downstairs." He cooed, and grabbed Leo's hand, dragging him down the stairs. The two nearly made it outside when a female voice called from upstairs.
"Who's that, Calvin? Your boyfriend?" Calvin's twin sister called, ugly laughing. Calvin, realizing he was still holding Leo's hand tightly, let go immediately.
"Aren't you going to be late for school?" He replied sharply, then walked out of the house and shut the door behind him. He turned to Leo as they walked to the bus stop. "She can be annoying. Like really annoying." Leo nodded, having flashbacks of his own sister stealing his Gatorade. The two basically walked in silence for the rest of the journey, and when they reached the bus stop the bus had already arrived. They hurried on, Calvin leading the way to his usual spot. He sat down, and Leo squeezed beside him. Leo's phone had died once again, and Calvin didn't even have his, so they just talked. Leo walked to school everyday, and couldn't remember the last time he had been on a school bus, so the experience was fairly new to him. He and Calvin accidentally pissed off the people in front of them by punching the seat a bit too hard, and pissed off the people in the back of them because their backpacks slid from their aisle to the next. It wasn't a good time, frankly. When they walked into school, everything seemed fairly normal. Everyone was in their own little cliques, and no one really paid attention to them, except a short girl with black hair that Leo didn't recognize. She was yelling Calvin's name and waving her arms in the air. When Calvin saw her, he grabbed Leo's hand and jerked him farther away from the crowd.
"Who is that?" Leo asked in a hushed tone. Calvin didn't reply until they were both in the boy's bathroom.
"That demon is Elizabeth. She's this really annoying girl that sat next to me at lunch yesterday, and believe me, the girl doesn't have a damn off switch. She'll talk, and talk, and talk, and it just drives me insane, you know!" The blonde nearly rose his voice at the last part, but Leo calmed him down.
"Okay. I'll sit with you at lunch then. Maybe she'll ignore you then. Sound like a deal?" Calvin nodded, and took Leo's hand.
"Thank you. And if she doesn't leave us alone, we can always flip her off." The blonde joked, then let go of the redhead's hand. They walked out of the bathroom together, then went their own separate ways. Since their only classes together were science and gym, they didn't see much of each other.

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