Acknowledgements II, The Value of an Editor

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I try to walk in the footsteps of my own rhetoric when I say; Wattpad is at it's best when you use it as a dojo. 

This isn't a place to be a good, or great author. This is a place to admit, in what can seem like a humiliatingly public way, that you are not. And more terrifying still, to admit that you wish to be. 

So when I say that Wattpad is at it's best as a dojo for writers, I am trying to remind myself that to embrace my own improvement, I need to be willing to try. And trying means failing. It means making mistakes. It means knowing that a phrase or a paragraph not only isn't perfect, but may never be. It means being able to let your ego and even your self esteem take a few hits because there are things that you need to hear.

And in this respect, Wattpad has been good to me.

But there is a particular person who has put in an unseemly number of hours, willingly providing the kind of feedback and perspective that I need to hear most. Someone who has voluntarily waded through my habitual failings in grammar and composition, and taken a critical eye to this project of mine. By doing so, she has taught me things about how I write that I may never have bothered to learn on my own. 

To anyone who has managed to take the step to finish a full novel-sized project, finding someone willing to be an editor is an education I recommend.

My own editor in this case is @jgfairytales, A Wattpad featured author, aspiring formal editor, and to anyone who takes writing seriously, a profoundly useful resource. 

I haven't started posting the edits yet, but I plan to start in the next few days. I've been using the time since she finished to take in what she offered to it.

I have enjoyed learning from her.

Jennifer, thank you.

And burn brightly.

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