Chapter 10

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I was excited on the upcoming senior trip and a beach party. It's been awhile since I've been to a senior party because most of the time I'm at bars or clubs. I packed my swim wear, clothes, charger and etc. I consumed two bags on packing for a two day trip to the beach.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and dialled Kayla's number. I was going to ask her if she was already prepared, since I'm going to fetch her.


"Kayla, are you done packing?"


"Alright, I'll be there in ten"

I'll wait for you


I ended the call and went downstairs. I met my aunt Al sitting on the sofa watching an episode of Revenge. I walked up to her.

"I'll get going" I bid as I kissed her cheek.

"Okay, be careful" She said not taking her eyes off of the screen.

I walked out the door and went inside my car. I drove smoothly as I listened to my playlist which is mainly composed of Nightcore, Pan!c at the Disco, My chemical romance and Britney Spears. I'm an emo in the inside but I'm also into pop and classical songs.

I stopped in front of Kayla's small house, it was pretty big for her alone. Though she adopted a two kids with her, I didn't know why though. I mean she's just 19 almost 20, why would she raise a kid she just saw? and not just a kid but a rebellious teenage boy with an infant with him. I guess she's really an angel.

"Hey Natalie" She greeted me and I waved at her as she entered the shotgun seat.

"Are you excited?" I asked her, she's usually a bit anxious on leaving the 'kids' alone in the house. She sound like a mom and she insist on being called a mom. She's crazy.

"A little bit" She answered as she checked her bag.

"Loosen up you know, you should enjoy high school not motherhood-when their not even your kids" I stated but whispered the last part.

"If enjoying senior year is fooling around, getting laid and constantly getting drunk from parties, then I don't want it" She answered back as she opened a novel she brought. She likes reading book a lot, specially when she need to find peace of mind.

"You're totally right, but I rather be wrong" I stated and enjoyed the music blasting from my car radio.

We arrived at the beach resort that everyone have been fussing about. It was peaceful and really nice. I saw the others as they invited us. I grabbed Kayla and dragged her with me.

"Glad you could make it" Steve said as he handed me a beer.

"How 'bout you Kayla? want some beer?" Ashley asked and Kayla politely shook her head no.

"party pooper" I heard Nicole muttered.

"So, nice party going" I changed the topic.

"Thanks Natalie" Rick said, he's on of the party host.

We walked around and Kayla seems bored the whole time. I can't blame her though, this wasn't her thing. She excused herself and told me that she'll seat for awhile instead of walking around.

I drank 7 bottled of beer already or maybe more than that. My vision is still fine though my body feels funny and my mind is going crazy. I saw Veronica and Janine flirting, they were obviously flirting. What do they see in her? even girls go after her. She's not sexy, gorgeous, tall and totally not hot-okay she's all that but she's a bitch. Janina started leaning in and they started kissing, it didn't disgust me because they're both girls but because Janina is kissing Veronica.

I approached them as they pulled away from the hot make out session. When I was in front of them Veronica shot me a questioning look as Janine walked away, she knew better.

"What do you want Natalie?" She asked.

"You" I slurred, I clasped my mouth in shock on what I just said.

What the fuck? I didn't mean it that way. This alcoholic is totally fucking me up.

"You're silly" She stated as she chuckled again.

"Do you find this amusing?" I exclaimed and ready to launch her.

"Partially yes" She took a sip on her beer. Those pink lips touching the bottle, Damn you bottle!

"Natalie you're drunk" She stated and held me.

"I am drunk, I usually hate you but right now I don't" I admitted and she laughed, her laugh was contagious so I ended up laughing as well.

"Where's Kayla when you need her?" She sarcastically commented.

"Why do I need Kayla when you're always there" I slurred again.

I am so fucked up! I only drank 7 bottles and I'm already saying words I don't mean?!

"You should get your shit straight" Veronica said and walked away.

Great, she's leaving me too-wait why am I upset? what is wrong with me?!

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