Chapter 5- Controlled Chaos

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I don't know if hitting this bag is going to be enough...

I launch my fists at the bag before me, hitting in consecutive and repetitive motions. Aiming high for potential head and chest shots, aiming low for ribs, lungs and stomach. With how hard and how much I'm jabbing this thing, if it were an actual opponent, they'd be down for the count...or at least severely battered and broken.

I then pivot in place and swinging my leg around, my foot hitting the middle of the bag...dead between my imaginary opponents ribs and hips...the soft part of their waist. I repeat the action, this time aiming high...hitting the shoulder area.

I take a few quick jabs at the 'stomach' before kicking one last time...hitting the facial region dead center...and hitting the chain it's hanging from so hard the weakest link snaps...sending the bag about three feet back and on to the floor of the indoor training room.

Panting ever so slightly, I grab my water bottle and chug down half of the contents, some of the water trickling out the corners of my mouth and dribbling down my chin and neck along with my sweat. My sports bra is soaked, and my basketball shorts are beginning to stick to my legs...

I've been down here at least two hours, and frankly, I'm still working off the anger.

The call I got from Beta Henley went far from what I expected, and it initially left me shocked...until the dumbass made his request.

Alpha Stephan had already been borderline insane before he saw me about two weeks ago, so when he saw me again after three years...after thinking I was dead or insane, it crushed him even more than he already had been when I accepted his rejection and threw him off the territory...

In short...Stephan is slowly slipping into insanity...and apparently I'm the only one who can help him. But there is only one way I can do that...

Mate with him...

I slam the water bottle down so hard I'm surprised it didn't break, growling irritably at even the idea of doing that with Stephan...which is why I told Henley: Hell No.

It's been about a week since, and I still can't get that bastard out of my head...and it doesn't help that confirmation of Stephan's downfall has well as the rise of Stephan's little brother Kyle.

I have to be honest, considering the circumstances, it's a great thing Kyle is now in charge...the pack will finally lose all those stuffy and Purist views that have been holding it hostage for generations. He'd finally be able to change the ways of the pack, instead of having to try to convince his brother to do it...

But Henley still calls...trying to convince me to at least try something. But the truth of the matter is that it's too late for Stephan...he's been locked up in the packs equivalent of a psych ward, he's being kept sedated and restrained...but we both know that he's already reached a point of no return...even if I did try to help him I couldn't... isn't all bad in Blackrose.

Eva and Sienna have settled in nicely, especially since I gave them a temporary mind link by one of my packs witches that will last as long as they live on the territory. Eva has been putting my warriors through their well as giving Julian a run for his money in an intense prank war.

It started off with her making him really uncomfortable with a fake proposition, using what I told her about Julian's flirt act to trip him up and mess with him. Which started the entire thing...he promised he'd get even, and he did.

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