Chapter 2: Entering Mahogany

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Margery hums to herself as the two of us ride along on her cart towards the nearest settlement. I can't help but stare off into the surroundings. Trees fill the horizon line to my left as far as my eyes can see. To my right is Margery, who is driving the cart along the dirt path paved from the extensive travels of others.

As I mindlessly stare at her side, I note more minute details of her. She has pursed lips, as if she's always in thought. Pronouncing cheek bones make her look more masculine than I remember any human woman appearing. As I scan her clothing, I realize they're more tattered and worn than I remember at first glance. Despite the wear and tear, they seem to be holding together nicely with high grade quality. Her rag over her head hides her black hair that's as dark as the circles around my eyes.

"Rule number three: never excessively stare at a lady. Regardless of the reason," Margery says, her eyes still straight forward. I realize that I'm starting to lean in towards her, and I suspect she noticed. Thus, she retaliates with her quip about treating women.

"Oops, sorry about that," I apologize. She chuckles to herself as she looks over at me.

"Well don't you worry. You'll have time to learn how to properly respect people—especially women. Trust me, it'll help in the long run, even if you're originally a Pokémon," she lectures as she pulls back on the reins. I look forward and see the approaching settlement's wall, which I assume is some sort of gate for some reason. The gate stretches maybe twenty feet skyward. Its brown wood structure stands steadfast, like an unflinching Lucario. Metal chains and nails hold the fortress-like edifice together, giving it an air of stability. Two soldiers reside vigilantly at the door to pass through. Shining, polished metal armor clad the two of them, both wielding spears that are easily another foot taller than their six foot statures.

Margery slowly approaches the gatekeepers standing at attention. She rears up about three feet in front of them and hops off the cart to her right. She walks up to the guard on the right as she looks up at them. They're both easily a foot taller than her, but she seems confident regardless.

"Hey guys! It's your favorite merchant, Margery! Please let me through!" she beams as she gallantly puts her fists on her hips. The guard stares off into the distance as he replies.

"Merchant license please," the guard replies blandly. Margery responds with a huff.

"Fine, fine. Here." Margery pulls some sort of small wooden tablet out of an inside pocket of her jacket. She hands it to the soldier while waving it in the air for him to grab. He plucks it from her grasp and scrutinizes it closely, narrowing his eyes at whatever information the hunk of wood holds. He nods to himself and looks over to the other soldier, who also responds with a silent nod. Did they have telepathic powers like a Kadabra or something?

"You're free to pass," the soldier grunts, adjusting his stature to stand straighter than the garrison he guards.

Margery grins as she bows. "But of course." She then dashes back to the driver's side of the cart and grabs the reins.

"Hyah! We're entering Mahogany Town!" she shouts as her Sawsbuck Roscoe trots forward. The cart proceeds as the gate opens to reveal a town behind it, perfectly hidden from the vantage point of the other side. Stone structures in the shapes of houses, shops, and stables come into view as the sun casts a shadow from behind us. People and stalls line the main street just ahead of us, where the foot traffic is visible unlike the spot where Margery and I are at. I can hear the various shouts of the people ahead, from the calls of those looking for others to those looking for sales. As I turn to Margery, I notice her relaxed—I could even describe it as pleasured—expression.

"This, Celebi," Margery starts, "is the place I look forward to every single time I get on this cart."

"Mahogany Town?" I ask, turning to her. She chuckles at my question as she pulls her reins and guides Roscoe towards a nearby stable that adjoins a taller structure. Someone can be seen sweeping the cobblestone street out front of the building.

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