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Hey guys!

Today I thought I'd write about Therian constellations (packs). I have recently learned that Therian "packs" are called constellations. In the wild wolves form family units called "packs" they consist of 2 alpha wolves and their offspring. In Therian packs there are many different ranks: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omega (I have also seen hunters, scouts, warriors, rouges, etc..). It is instinctual for pack animals to find others like them to form a pack. Wolves drive the desire for packs, but Therians like bears, foxes, bats, cats, etc... look for packs as well.

How many of you guys are in packs?

Online Therian packs communicate over video chat and Therian packs in real life have pack meetings and enjoy each other's company. Packs are ruled by an Alpha or Alpha pair and they make decisions for the pack.

Tala and I are not apart of a pack because we are new to the community, but I will start thinking about packs and I have a horrible and deep sadness that forms within me. I believe that that sadness is from Tala because I know that she misses being apart of a pack from her previous life. I can not miss what I've never had but from what I have priced together from Tala's memories being apart of a pack was amazing. I remember the wind running through Tala's fur as she ran and played with her family. I would love to be apart of a pack but I do not think that anyone is a Therian where I live so Tala and I are on our own. This got really sad!

Packs are a positive things for our therotypes because it is when we allow them to play and converse with other souls and people! Hope this helps some of you guys!

Lexi and Tala🐾

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