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Part one

2 months later


"Warren can you stop playing? I'm trying to eat". I complained as he kept flicking my curls.

I had got my hair silk pressed and curled yesterday, at the shop and of course I was slayed to the gods looking good and feeling good.

I've healed mentally and emotionally. With the help of warren. Ever since the day he brung McDonald's we've gotten close. He my bestfriend.

"My bad they just so cute". He said pulling his phone out, beginning to text. I rolled my eyes and snatched his phone. "You always on your phone dang"

He smacked his lips. "Girl I gotta text my women, you know she's been kind of moody lately".

"Mhm...very" I said handing my him his phone back. "Here text that brat back".

Riley don't really like me and warren relationship. I mean nothing was never said to me about her not liking it but I can just tell.

Anytime he'd FaceTime her and I'm around, because he'll be at my house seeing me like all best friends do. she'd have a attitude and throw shots at me. Anytime we'd go places and I'm there, because it's a group event. She'd be ready to go home.

I mean damn. She know nothing going on between us. I tried telling her but she don't wanna talk to me. I don't even look at warren in that type of way.

He cute and all , but we're friends. Bestfriends.

Speaking of bestfriends. Kelly been MIA these past 2 months. No school, not answering the phone, haven't even been home.

Nick told me he haven't talked to he either. Their mom barely fucking there. And I know she doesn't give a fuck.

One thing she has been doing is posting on Facebook. That girl blocked me because I kept commenting on her statuses asking where she at, and if she's good.

I backed off though. If she wanna be anti social I'll let her go through her faze.

She'll come back. Won't she?



"Mmm". Jenny moaned as I gave her back shots. She was throwing her little booty back. "Fuck woowoo"

I got ahold of her hair and wrapped it around my fist, I then started to pound her shit out. "Damn". I mumbled.

Me and Jenny  relationship grew over the 2 months. She officially my girlfriend. 

"Oh my gosh". She moaned putting her hand in my stomach. I popped her hand. "Move yo fucking hand and take it"

"Yes daddy". She whined. She began softly crying. I held her waist and did my last few pumps before nutting on her back.

She was on birth control but I don't trust that.

She got up and went to clean herself. I went over to my phone and checked it. Seeing my dad sent the group chat some statuses on Dolla. We've Been watching this nigga for 2 months.

He must be smart because he hasn't been doing shit that would give us the go to kill his ass. He been laying low.

I went to my camera roll and began trying to find a picture I screenshotted. I came across a picture of me and kelly. I stared at it and shook my head.

I don't know what's good with her , but she been quiet the last months. I'm getting worried but at the same time confused.

Out of nowhere she stopped talking to everyone.

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