29. Calm Down, Blondy

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Nate's POV

The grenades that Annie had thrown in echoed throughout the whole mansion. It even shakes a little as pieces of the wall fall to the ground. Right before I walk out from the hall I was hideing in I hear a door click and freeze. I point my gun down the hall and watch everything quietly. I hear everyone start talking but another noise comes from a room at the end of the hall. I run down it and grab the handle of the door.

My gun is ready, I'm ready, but whoever is behind this door could be too. Three.... Two.... One. I swing open the door and point my gun to the person standing in the corner.

It was just a regular girl. She was curled up in a ball and trembling with fear.

I sigh a breath of relief and lower my gun, "You shouldn't be here. Do you need help getting out of here?"

She looks up at me and nods her head. Tears were flowing from her eyes and she shakes while getting to her feet. I put my gun back in its holster and hold out my hand to her. She was taller than me because of the heals but she didn't look that much older than me. She takes my hand and I lead her out of the room. As we walk down the hall I hear Annie talking and couldn't stop the smile that came onto me.

"Nate, watch out!" Nikkie yells into the ear piece.

My first reaction was to reach to my gun but a loud ringing fills my ears and a sharp pain appears in my side. I scream and fall to my knees. As the girl I was helping runs past me it was obvois she was even more scared. I reach for my gun again but get kicked to the floor and whoever shot me steps onto my back to keep me from moving. As I groan even more pressure is put onto my back and my gun is pulled out of my holster.

"Nate!" Daniela screams, "Get away from him!"

The man on me started to laugh and I feel a gun get pressed into the back of my head. Everyone else comes into the wide hall and freeze knowing that they can't do anything at the moment.

"Get away, Craig!" Cody growls.

"Why should I? He put a tracker on me and I just want to teach him a lesson on how to be a proper spy." He adds pressure to my back, "Rule number one: never get caught. Oops. You failed."

I try to reach down to my belt but he pushes the gun harder on my head.

"And since you failed every spy must kill themselves to prevent secrets from getting told." Craig continues.

"Shut up! Just shut the hell up!" Cody yells louder this time.

"Fine then. Cody, choose who dies tonight." Craig says.

My heart stops and I feel a small burst of sweat. He doesn't know me or Daniela so he could choose one of us. He is the shadow killer, who knows how he will act.

"You! Do all of us a favor and kill yourself!" He yells.

Craig's adds even more pressure and I grunt.

"That's new." He chuckles, "I thought you would try to sacrifice yourself like you always have."

Cody shakes his head and raises his gun up at Craig, "I'm going to restart my life. Restart it with all of these people, but right now you are the one in the way of that."

"Put that gun down you damn brat!" Craig barks.

He was pissed and he made sure everyone in the room new that by shooting me in the shoulder. Another bullet is fired and causes Craig to fall to the ground. I roll onto my back and Craig raises his gun at me again. I jump up to my feet as the bullet fly's between my legs. I throw myself into the closest room and run around the corner as bullets fly past me. Even more gun shots are fired until complete silence falls over the mansion.

"Fuck yeah, bitches!" I hear Miwa laugh.

I sigh a breath in relief as the hall echos with laughter, but it leaves as fast as it came.

"Annie!" Cody exclaims and it causes me to ignore my pain and rush out of the room.

As I run into the hall I see Craig's body surround by a pool of blood then look to everyone else who was in a circle surrounding something. I run to them and pull Daniela out of the way. Cody had his back turned to me and was on his knees with Annie in his arms. She was unconscious with a bullet wound in her chest. Cody starts taking off her suit and ripping his shirt to provide as a bandage. She had only a black tang top and black shorts on under her suit.

"We need to get her out of here now, Nikkie." Cody says.

"I already called the agency. They're sending an ambulance now." She responds.

The room got quite and coughs we're heard from behind me. Cody was the first to turn to them and his fave was flooded with hatred and anger. He gets up, pushes me out of the way, and walks slowly to Craig's twitching body.  Cody moves him to his back with his foot and stares down at him.

Craig laughs slowly, "I got her good, didn't I? No matter what you do with your life now you are still going to hell."

Cody continues to stare as Craig laughs even more.

"Guess I'll see you later then." Cody lifts up his foot and stomps on Craig head repeatedly.

Steve rushes to him and pulls him away from Craig's now motionless body. Cody tries to fight back but Steve was not only twice his size but also stronger.

"Calm down, blondy." Annie coughs. 

All attention is turned back to her and within a second Cody was back at her side.

"Don't move or talk." He rubs her forehead, "The agency sent help they'll be here soon."

She groans in pain and tries to sit up, but Cody tries to push her back down.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" He questions.

"Did you forget who you're talking to?" She gives a painful smirk.

Cody chuckles and shakes his head, "Just please rest."

Sirens begin to cut through the silence.

"I'll go wave them down." Miwa says while running out of the hall.

I look back down to Annie and Cody. It's like he doesn't want to leave her side. Maybe him being with her is better, besides me and Annie are on different teams. Even if we were to be together we would never see each other because of the different schedules.

...... Maybe this really is for the better.


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