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My phone rings for the third time.

I groan, grab my pillow and throw it somewhere in the room.

Shut up.

That's when I realize.

Not a lot of people would call me... at eight in the morning.

I open my eyes quickly, more awake. Rolling onto my stomach, I grab my phone and sit up in my bed.

"Hello?" I say and hear the sigh of Garry.

"Thank Lord, I thought something happened to you," he says as a greeting.

"I can take care of myself pretty well, Mr. Neil," I reply, getting up from my bed to grab some clothes. "So what's going on?"

"You need to come at the agency," Garry pauses, some noises can be heard in the distant. "We're all waiting for you."

I stop in my track, suddenly remembering.

Shit. Last night wasn't just a dream.

He is alive. He's at the agency.

And he has a girlfriend who's also an agent.

I close my eyes, cursing under my breath.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few."

He hangs up and I punch the closest thing, which happens to be my closet.

The pain helps.

"Never been so eager to go to work," I mutter under my breath, putting on a black shirt.

I can't help but wonder why they're all waiting for me. What's going to happen now that everything has changed? A couple of agents probably noticed that Brandon was, in fact, alive and back.

I brush my teeth and put on my black boots, ignoring how my right knuckles start to hurt and quickly tie my hair into a messy bun.

When I'm ready to go, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. All in black. Well, it reflects my every day's mood.

I head to the N.A.


When I enter the North Agency, it's like everyone suddenly stops what they are doing to stare at me.

I don't question myself about it and walk forward, taking off my sunglasses. Some agents that walk by stop to greet me and I nod at them before I turn to my right.

I head to the computers area and find Mr. Neil. Not only him but Andrew, Brandon, and Nova.

Taking a deep breath, I slow down and take a look at the couple. They have new clothes that belong to the agency. Nova wears a tight camisole and a pair of jeans while Brandon... has a black t-shirt on that looks like a second skin on him and some ripped jeans.

I force myself to look away from them. They're all looking at some screen and I turn towards Garry.

"Sorry, I'm late," I say as a way to let him know I'm here.

He turns to face me and from the corner of my eyes, I feel three heads looking up at me.

Mr. Neil nods, taking off his glasses.

"You know you could just rest in the agency, right?" he frowns and I sigh.

"I know—"

"Coffee?" a voice exclaims to my right and I look in disbelief at Nova, who's wearing a bright smile.

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