Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Nama anda Rumpelstiltskin." I look to Tawil, who's following with Pari at a close distance. He hands me a newly sharpened blade. I grin, readying the knife. "Your name is Rumpelstiltskin." I crouch, getting into the ready position. "Now for your execution."

The masked face looks at me, wooden fangs glinting. The eyes crinkle at the corners. And then....



Horrible, echoing laughter.

He doubles over, bony arms clutching his legs. "Kamu pikir namaku adalah Rumpelstiltskin? You think my name is Rumpelstiltskin?" He's really amping up his laughter now. Pari and Tawil stand silent, uncomfortable. My fingers twitch impatiently on the blade. A heated blush creeps up my neck, past the sweaty hair that I've twisted above my head. Shame. "No, did you take that from a little children's story? Oh, how cute, the princess still reads bedtime stories to fall asleep! Ah, Rumpelstiltskin! What kind of crazy Idriolan name is that? I swear, you people think of the zaniest names."

Pari blushes now, more with anger at his Idriolan half being slighted. He steps forwards. Tawil tries to keep him back, avoiding Pari's drawn blade. "You stupid, laughing son of a—."

The masked figure draws up, suddenly eager. Pressing his face towards the bars. "You gonna let me out, Golden Boy?" His head tilts at an uncomfortable anger, peering down at Pari's sweating, angry face. "You want to try your luck again?" He reaches out suddenly, fingertips almost grazing Pari's injured side. Tawil pulls him back, nearly falling over to get Pari to safety.

I swipe the blade at the witch doctor. He draws back, hissing.

I push my hair out of my face, still stunned that that scroll was wrong. And after I felt so clever too, having figured it all out by myself. I'm just an idiot who can't add after all...

"That's enough, Dukun." A growl in my voice, a warning as I step in front of Pari. "I still have two more guesses." I hand the blade back to Tawil, who looks up at me with an emotion I can't fathom coming from him. Is that admiration? I thought I'd never see the day. "Feel lucky you didn't die today."

He performs an exaggerated bow. "All the better to serve Rangda with, dear Putri. Hail the evil ones." He laughs as I make a rude gesture and turn around.

Huffing, fuming, just absolutely seething with anger. I slam my fist against the wall, ignoring the blooming bruises. When I squint into the light past the prison gates, the harsh Rahasian dry heat, I can't even think straight.

"I failed." I kick at the sand, watching it billow up, dirty my borrowed scholar robes that I took from Boaz. A size too small over my broad shoulders, made for delicate academics, not warrior princesses. "I failed again."

Tawil and Pari hug close to my side. Pari goes first. "I don't know." He scratches at his freckles. "I guess I have to thank you for shielding me from that monster in there." He rolls his eyes, mumbling, "thank you, or something."

I raise an eyebrow, nodding to accept his thanks. "No problem, Golden Boy."

He scowls, but lightheartedly, like he's in on the joke.

Tawil claps my shoulder, still trembling as the liquor cravings wrack his body. "You know, you're not a half-bad princess, Princess."

You're not a half-bad father, Tawil.

Maybe I made more of an impact on him than I thought.

I nod again, feeling overwhelmed by all the mushy thanking and feelings. I walk out of the prisons. "That's quite enough gratitude for one day. See you, soldiers."

"See you, Scholar Arni!" They call, teasing me about the ink and chalk smudging my fingertips. The smell of parchment digging into my skin. The thing is, it doesn't really bother me.

I think I'm in on this joke for once.



Aw, baby girl has friends!

Also, guess Rumpelstiltskin isn't this one's name.


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