after the after party

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A bird flew past the window.
A slice filled the air.
Here I am, at his house again...this time without the promise of lasagna.
But here I was, anew, tonight...the st.peasters day after party. My invitation green of course. Who knows what awaits behind the glorious grand doors.

I approach the doors curious to what awaits within, my stomach filled with buzzing wasps of anxiety... and the wasps I ate earlier. I slowly raise my hand to open the my ass cheeks. I hear the pulsating music and I imagine the wealth and glory that lies inside the doors, the defending music reverberates the particles inside my eardrums causing the goosebumps to breathe life onto my skin. Skin orgasms...ugh I just love them. Guess I should have brought a shirt...and pants while I was at it. But here I am, outside in my grandfather's kilt, I just had to get into the Scottish feel of st. Leaders day

I open the door and step inside. A defening CLICK arises behind me. I immediately see in my head view...Mr.Wolff sitting on a couch, pants unbottened. He clearly has a food baby in his belly, an empty pizza box lies beside him...and sauce drenching his saucy.

"Where is everyone?" I manage to force the words out of my mouth while I mentally fall to my knees in front of this saucy man.

"Oh. They haven't shown up yet. They'll be here."

"Mr.Wolff...I'mtwo hours late..."

His face starts to crimple up like an injured toddler...or an emotionally unstable old man as he goes on...tears drain of his orbs.

"I just wanted to be the cool boss"

I walk over to sit beside him on the couch and start to rub his back.

"I think you're an amazing boss, Mr.Wolff. The sauciest."

Nattie My DaddyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ