The Star and the Peach

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A lot has happened during the first years of my idols career.

I've been humiliated, shouted at, punished, judged and well, bashed. I guess that's pretty normal since I'm not perfect. 

But society is a bitch 

I was told I was fat 

I was told I was fake 

I was told I can't sing well 

I was told I looked like a worm dancing 

I was told to kill myself 

How ironic. I see a lot of male idols who can't dance well, who can't sing well but is very much appreciated because of their visuals. It's not like I'm saying that I'm pretty enough so make me your queen but I just want double standards to stop. 

I was told I was fat 

I was told I was fake 

I was told I can't sing well

I was told I looked like a worm dancing 

I was told to kill myself 

But he said otherwise 

"Hirai Momo! Can you stop spacing out? We're gonna miss our movie!" Hoshi snapped me out of my thoughts when he pulled me towards the big theater. It's Saturday and Hoshi invited me to watch movies with him. I would've declined his offer if it wasn't for this petty date he used against me. 

June 15 

His freaking birthday.


I told him he could've spend it with his fellow members but he insisted that he would rather have fun if he'll spend it with me. His bestfriend

"Who cares about S.coups hyung and the others, I'd rather  spend it with you! My bestfriend!"  those were his exact words just 30 minutes ago when he climbed over our apartment and sneaked passed the security. I'm actually wondering if this Hoshi is actually a secret thief or something. He's been coming to our apartment way too often because of it. 

"A Japanese movie? Really?" I raised a brow at him while pointing at the tickets he's holding. He bought tickets for a Japanese horror movie and if I'm not mistaken, Jeongyeon already has a pirated copy of that which we watched last night. What a waste of money. 

"Well I thought you'd miss home due to your busy schedules so I thought why not Japanese?" he was smiling while slowly waving the tickets in his hands. He really is thoughtful. He'd rather watch a Japanese Movie for me rather than the action movie he wanted despite the date today. 

But he should stop this.. 

"And so that you could cuddle with me and scream your lungs out too!" he laughed and intertwined his arms and mine. I felt my cheeks heat up with the space with us, our position and the way he's making me feel. Darn I hate it when he does this! 

"Let's go!" he pulled me in the theater and quickly sat in the front row seats. I sat beside him, adjusting my mask not wanting any rumor to fly by again. 

"Aww, why are you covering your face? You'll look much adorable without it while screaming" he kidded and took my mask away. "But people will see us together!" I whispered shouted at him. He chuckled and held my hand, smiling while doing so. "Oh, Momo. Everyone know you're only my bestfriend".

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