Devils and Angels

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I'll say this once and I'll probably write this on my diary again

"I'm an idiot" I muttered to myself as I washed my hands in Everland's female washroom. I kept replaying the scene from earlier and I still can't sink in the situation I'm in right now. I can't quite absorb all of it. 

So first of all, It's Hoshi's birthday 

He forced me to watch a Japanese movie with him which I already watched last night 

I was in deep thought the whole morning that all I could remember was Hoshi and the other Hoshi, the actor. 

I felt guilty and asked him out to Everland. 

And he agreed. 

"I feel so stupid" I groaned and covered my fave with my still wet hands. I've been trying my best to avoid him for months now and all those efforts are now wasted! Thanks to my remaining conscience that is. 

I don't understand. I'd be tough at home and even curse him and kill him in my thoughts in exchange of the pain he's been giving me lately.. but I can't hurt him in person. Whenever he smiles, I'd just smile back at him, feeling weak all over my body. Whenever he laughs I'd just feel guilty all of a suden and force my heart to say strong for him. 

But whenever I hear those two words.. I feel like I can leave him anytime. Because I know he can't like me the way I like him now. 

Arghhh I can't believe I spent my money for him today! After he said those two words more than twice today! The things love does to you. 

I looked at myself from the mirror and I looked like a doll indeed. I've been wearing my extensions lately, Nayeon unnie said it looks good on me. I also did it to lowkey get him to notice me. Which is very stupid of me to do! He said he'd rather see me ugly with short hair on rather than fake long hair! The nerve! 

But I swear I heard him compliment me against my back. I saw him talking to Seokmin last month and he said I look way prettier than the other girls who wears extensions. 

Ok Momo! Stop it! You're just making a bigger fool out of yourself! 

I tied my hair into a bun and sighed. I need to stop thinking for now and enjoy the night with Hoshi. It's the least I can do for him. 

I went out of the washroom to see Hoshi in a new attire. He was wearing long sleeves earlier and he changed into a Black hoodie. Almost identical to mine. 

"Took you long enough, I thought you were sleeping in there or something" he kidded and smiled so goofily. This Hoshi is really something.. one minute he'll friendzone you and then later he'll make you feel special. Is this his talent or something? 

I looked at his hoodie and mine and then looked at his hair. We look like twins rather than couples to be honest. I smiled and hid my lowkey disappointment. Here I am being stupid again! 

"I see you finally realized that my fashion sense is way better than yours" I kidded and walked ahead of him, scanning the map the guy gave us earlier for fun rides we could ride together. "I thought it would be fun dressing the same way as my bestfriend" he chuckled from behind me while I bit my lip, preventing myself from thinking. 

"Should I wear a skirt then?" I kidded. He just laughed at me and made his way infront of me while walking backwards while facing me. "Hmm, I bet my legs are nicer than yours" he smirked and quickly avoided the punch I was about to give him. Darn that tease! 

"Hey! I am way more sexy than you are, Soonyoung!" I yelled. He was laughing from a distance so I took the opportunity to playfully punch his left arm. "And will forever be prettier than anyone" I was smiling so proudly when I said those and even posed for him. 

"There will be someone who will be prettier than you" He massaged his arm while smiling at me. I raised a brow at his statement and looked at him confusedly. "Who?" I asked. 

"I dunno.. Kwon Miri I guess?" He was laughing awkwardly while I stood there, looking at him confusedly. He never told me he has a sister. "You never told me you have a sister" I said and tilted my head. He awkwardly laughed and turned his back on me. "I guess I never did, let's go to the store first I guess?" he held my hand and pulled me towards the gift shop. More money to spend I guess..


"Omo! These are the headbands Sungkyung unnie and Joohyuk oppa wore in their past drama!" I ran towards the devil and angel headbands and took pictures of them. I also took a selca of me wearing the Angel headband. "Wahh! Hoshi! Look!" I looked at Hoshi who was also eyeing the headbands I was pointing at. "How childish could you get?" he asked and looked at the headbands. "Childish enough to be your bestfriend you mean?" I kidded and placed the devils headband on his head. 

Ahh a perfect match! 

"Suits you well" I laughed. "Ahh jinjja" he sighed and handed me an Angel's headband. "I'll pay it for you" he said and gently placed it on my head. "Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me" he said while smiling so genuinely. 

"Anything for my bestfriend" 

Im sorry I rarely update :< Im back at school and I could hardly find any inspiration to continue writing anymore. But I'll still update this story till the last chapter I published in

will comeback when I'm better :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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