Therian Questionnaire

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These questions are a great way to learn more about yourself, and you should probably answer them again every few months to a year to see how your experiences have changed or stayed the same. This is also a good way to introduce yourself to the community. So feel free to copy these and use them elsewhere.

1) What is your Screen Name/Therian Name?

2) Are you a Standard Therian (one therioside) or Polytherian (multiple theriosides)?

3) What species is your Therioside/Kintype? List multiple if you have more than one.

4) Are you able to make the vocalizations of your Therioside/Kintype?

5) Are you a Spiritual Therian or Psychological Therian or Both?

6) What is the origin/cause of your Therianthropy? (ex: soul is an animal)

7) How long have you been awakened?

8) What shifts (if any) have you experienced?






None (Feel nonhuman in other ways)

None (Contherian-always shifted)

9) How did you discover/conclude that you were a Therianthrope? It's okay to say you are still learning/questioning.

10) What does Therianthropy/being a Therian mean to you?

11) If you choose to, share one embarrassing moment due to being a Therian.

12) What hobbies do you enjoy?  

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