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Sydney's POV:

Maybe you're a ghost, Sydney. Maybe they can't see you. You're just invisible to them. Because there is no other explanation as to how the man didn't see a fully grown girl in front of him.

I sighed at my brain and rolled my eyes. My day had already been a mess when some dude had run into me and spilled their boiling hot coffee all over my favourite sweater and didn't even have the decency to apologize. His head had been stuffed in his phone the whole time and the only reaction he gave for his mistake was a simple sigh. A sigh. Sometimes I wonder if God just likes testing me.

My 24/7 open brain had kept me company the whole time and before I knew it, I was on the steps of my house. It was empty, as usual. So I ran up the stairs while pulling my poor sweater off. I should have just worn the black shirt like I had originally planned.

My routine after getting home was always the same, as I had working parents I usually had the place to myself till 7pm. As someone that never really liked change, I always came straight home, showered, changed, made something to eat and watched TV or do some homework. Today was no different.

I took a long shower, thankfully the redness from the hot coffee was slowly going away. Stepping out of the bathroom I towel dried my hair and took out a baggy tee shirt and sweat pants.

I got all comfy in my clothes and was about to start brushing my hair when my phone dinged. Now that... That wasn't part of the routine. Picking it up I saw a text from an unknown nunber. Definitely not routine.

Nice to know you got home safe, princess. Did the coffee hurt?? And close your curtains before you change. Not that I'm complaining, thanks for the show ;)

My first thought was... Well my first thought was the coffee still hurts but then it dawned on me that A) someone saw me get hurt, B) they saw me change and then finally C) they know where I live.

I'm the type of person that doesn't have instant responses to any type of situation so at that time I thought it was a prank, just a harmless prank that someone had pulled to get a laugh out of, the possibility of danger never even entered my head.

So believing it was only a prank I left it at that, but made sure to close the curtains before heading out to the kitchen to grab a bag of potato chips, with my head still a little fuzzy, I entered the living room and turned in some reruns of shows to watch.

"Sydney! We're home"
7:30pm. Routine. I heard my mum yell and I went to the door to greet them.
"Hey mum, hey dad"
I smiled and took the groceries out of their hands
"Hey kiddo"
Dad messed up my hair before leaving a kiss on my head
"I'm starrvinnnggggg"
He sang while walking to his room making me laugh and shake my head
"Go change mum, I'm making pasta for dinner"
"Thanks, sweetie"
She gave a tired Pat on my back before following dad into their room.

Cooking was something I was... Okay at. I mean I always cooked dinner or usually dad would convince mum to buy takeout but I never minded cooking, it was the least I could do after everything they did for me.

We ate our food and talked about our day, usual family stuff. I decided to leave out the text part but told them about the coffee incident. They didn't need to worry about me. They had enough worries.

After dinner, I cleaned up and made my way to my room, I, thankfully didn't have homework today so all I did was change and get ready for bed. I double checked my curtains, the locks to my windows and finally got under the covers. Just as I was about to close the lamp on my side table, my phone dinged. It was the same number.

Awe man, you closed your curtains,

Ah well, maybe another time, goodnight princess, sleep tight and keep your windows locked ;)

My mind finally clicked into place, this was getting too far and too creepy to be a prank. I jumped out of bed and ran to my window, there was no one. I decided I'll go and check the whole house, all the windows and all the entrances just to be sure.

After I had done all that, my heart beat began to rise, fear settled in and my thoughts got wild. I was always the laid back type, I was always the one to laugh at serious situations and joke about stuff that probably shouldn't be joked about but I couldn't think of a way to turn this into something funny, I was genuinely clueless as to how to handle the situation or even my erratic breathing.

I was too scared to text the person back and I was terrified to go outside and see what was going on. I just laid in bed, thinking of possible explanations. It could still be a dumb prank.

Soon I fell into an uncomfortable sleep, a sleep where I was aware of everything and I'd wake up due to any type of sound.

A/N: *this chapter has been edited*
I'm sure, if you've been following me for long enough, you know I published this book so long ago but I'm republishing it cause I deleted the book due to some reasons and now I was beating myself up for removing it. Anyway please vote and comment what you think. Tell me all the flaws so I can fix them and hopefully make this better. Love you all♡

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