20- Don't Steal My Kiss

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Lian Tian goes back to his camp that night. About 50 miles from the forbidden city. It was so crowded, with people practicing their martial arts. The higher ranked soldiers gives instructions to his battalion.

The soldiers gives respect when Lian Tian passes by. He quickly get into his royal tent, writing a report.

Consorts Hua's child turns out to be a princess. But the princess is killed. And the mother is punished with one month inside her palace for framing the empress.

He finishes the letter and give it to his right-hand, Chou Chou.

"Send it as fast as possible."


Lian Tian cleans his brush and hang it neatly. He thinks that empress is quite interesting. With Consort Hua's crime, she can make her rot in prison. But instead she forgive her? The greatest competitor of her crown? Lian Tian shakes his head and let his thoughts go.

He gets out from his tent, trying to get fresh air. Just a little more. He strolls around and ended up next to the river. Maybe Taking a bath will refresh my mind. Lian Tian took off his robe, flexing his well-built muscles. When he's about to take off his pants, a hairpin falls from his belt.

"Niao Niao." He smiles. Hiding the hairpin inside his clothes.

Lian Tian's body is full of scars, since he is currently an intelligent general. He fought in many battles, using both his strengths and brain.

"Mother, I have met her. Her name is Huang Li Niao. But unlike what you said, she is a real beauty, very smart, and even a great swordsman. Mother, I know you are watching from up there, what do you think of her?" He smiles. "I will make that oriole bird became a Phoenix."

Lian Tian sits next to the river. Praying to his mother. He brings about 50.000 soldiers to attack the Great Zhang kingdom. He knows that most of Zhang soldiers are not here, they have missions outside the kingdom. The court is also very much chaotic because the fallen princess. That's why he thinks this is the best time to declare a war.

"If only I can take off her hairpin every night.." he smiles bitterly to the hairpin. "But she's another man's woman. And not just another man, she's Zhang emperor's woman."

Lian Tian took off his own hairpin, and replace it with Niao Niao's. since the hairpin is just a simple jade, it is no problem for a man to wear it.


The next morning, morning assembly is still held. No matter how bad his feelings is, the emperor must not show any weakness. The emperor puts his guard up, making sure he looks fine. Acting like losing a child is not a big deal. And no one in the court wear white outfit, because she's just a princess.

"Let's start our morning assembly!" The emperor instructed.

The empress who sits next to him sees that he's not in a good mood. We need to finish it fast. She thinks.

"Your majesty, the spies of Wei found out that Lian soldiers already camped about 50 miles from our gate." Minister Wei announces.

The ministers start to talk uncontrollably, of course they feel the tensed atmosphere.

After long hours of meeting, they still can't decide what to do to the Lian soldiers. Actually they can't do anything to that. Because most of Zhang soldiers are still in a mission and unable to defend the capital. But for Lian Kingdom, they also can't attack the reason is because they need war agreements before lawfully invade the capital. But the empress thinks, there wouldn't be much time until they sent their war message to Great Zhang court.

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