One to many drinks

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Talia was on a mission that required her to find a way into a very fancy hotel in Gotham City which was easy it was getting a gold member card what was hard. So she found herself in the one place she could think to find a hungry playboy with enough money to get in, the club. She was sitting at the bar when a quite handsome man approached her and commented on her dress, "isn't that dress a little reveling for a nice girl like you to be wearing at a place like this."

"That depends on who's attention it grabs" she answered seeing her best chance.

"how about I buy you a drink" he responded calling over the bar tender. She smiled as he fell right were Talia wanted him to be. They talked and drank for far to long and she learned he's name was Bruce and he was orphaned and parents left him loaded.

'Jackpot' Talia thought to herself as she took her final steps to get what she wanted.

"You poor thing. Maybe I can lift a bit of that burden off you back" she whisper into he's ear as she brought her Leg closer to his little friend.

"Well we cant do that her can we now" he responded as he lightly touched Talias inner thigh.

Talia flinched from the shock of the cold fingers rubbing there way higher up her leg ,but she quickly recovered and Started leading him to the hotel across the street and into her room. After a very heated night she woke up to a heavy dent in her bed. As soon as she remembered the night before she grabbed the mans golden card and completed her mission to threaten a higher up in the city's governing system. As soon as she was done she paid for the room and left for her next mission.

Bruce woke up with an empty bed and a killer headache. It took him twenty minutes to get dressed just to find out that his lady friend had all ready covered all the expensive on the room they used. He was okay with it but slightly surprised that she didn't use him for a nice room but he got over it quickly and headed back to the manor to be met with a very sarcastic butler.

Talia was now in Central City checking to a new hotel and went straight to sleep. When she woke from her delightful sleep a sudden wave of nausea came over her and she spent the next two hour heavy over the toilet confused. After a week of the same thing happening every day and her increasing appetite she went to the doctors were she found out that she was indeed pregnant. Then she proceeded to punch a wall for the next four hours. Once Talia came to terms with her situation she demanded the next year to herself and her father aloud it thank her demons. So she went on more safe mission for the first few months ,but once it had gotten to much in herself she took the digital jobs and let her men do the hard work. When she was eight months pregnant she asked her sister Nyssa to come for an important meeting. Once she showed Talia broke down into tears as she explained everything that had happened starting with that unsatisfactory night. After a hour of Nyssa desperately trying to calm her sister down Talia said, "I can't keep him can I"

" I'm afraid not my sister are father will force him into leadership and from what I've heard tonight you do not wise that on your child"

"I don't Nyssa but I can't give him to his father to-many eyes will be raised but his should know his heritage" Talia cried.

"I will help you with this last month of your pregnancy and I will recommend what I believe is best for you and your child" Nyssa said with a sad tone

"Please I am hopeless" Talia pleaded

" what were you going to name him"

   "داميان" Talia all but Whispered

"Damian a beautiful choice. There is an orphanage around the block you can put him there once he is ready to be without you. Then we will return to the league and act as if this never happened." Nyssa demanded

"Yes my sister" Talia said straightening her back.

10 weeks later

"Are you ready Talia"

"Yes" Talia said looking into her sons eyes before folding the note she had written which vaguely described his heritage and put him in the basket as she followed her sister out the door to the orphanage. Once they got there in was pitch black out and Talia softly put the basket down on the front porch and looked at her child once more. She looked in aw at her sons soft black hair spike up and his bright green eyes identical to her own looked up at her as he let out a giggle. All she could do was smile as she kissed his beautiful dark skin just slightly Lighter than her own. Talia gracefully moved his soft light blue blanket closer to his chin and looked into his jade green eyes once more before quickly knocking on the door and disappearing into the night.

His sonWhere stories live. Discover now