The Virgin

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It was a cold winter day in December. My best friend and next-door neighbor Jen, and her single Dad had just taken off on a vacation visiting her grandparents. I was playing in the snow building a snowman when a friend of Jen's Dad stopped in to take in the mail and check on their house.

His name was Ty, probably around 17-18 years old, not much older than myself. We had met several times and he was quite attractive and well built. He waved and said hello as he got out of his car and headed for the mailbox. I waved and we started a conversation about nothing much.
"Is your mom home?" he asked me. And I responded with a quiet no, admiring his tight muscular arms. "I came to check on the house but I saw you. Do you smoke pot?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face. I told him I had tried it. Marijuana was quite prevalent in school but I didn't care for it and hardly ever smoked. He asked if I would like to try some he had picked up. I don't know why but I smiled and said, "yes".

He opened the garage door got in his car and drove in the garage as I followed behind. Ty closed the garage door and we entered the house, which was quite cold. He went and turned the heat up a bit. We went down to the basement and Ty checked the furnace and water pipes. He glanced at the hot water heater and noticed it was still set on high. He started to turn it down to save on energy then glanced up at me sort of smiling and decided not to. We went back upstairs and sat down on the sofa in the living room. I still had my coat on but had kicked off my boots at the entrance of the house.

Ty got up and went to the kitchen and started mixing a drink, rum and coke. He asked if I would like one. I shyly looked up, "Sure," I said.

Jen and I had drunk quite a bit over the last year or so. My Mom let me have wine at dinner when we went out from time to time and Jen had drunk a few times in front of her Dad. Her Mom hated it when her Dad let her drink but we never had more than one or two at the most.

Ty came back with the drinks and sat down next to me at a comfortable distance. I sipped my drink as he took out a tiny pipe and a small plastic wrap. I noticed the drink was quite strong but it tasted good. He lit the pipe taking a drag off of it and handed it to me.

"Hurry now, before it goes out." he said.

I didn't really have time to think about it. I took a deep breath full of smoke and almost choked. I think I coughed and sneezed at the same time. We both laughed but I really felt embarrassed. He took the pipe back and took another hit then handed it back to me. I could already feel a flushness coming over me. I took a smaller breath inhaling and feeling the effect right away. I gave it back to him with a smile, "That's enough for me," I laughed.

He took another hit and sat the pipe down in an ashtray.

We sat and sipped on our drinks discussing life. Ty looked at me with a strange look and my eyes met his. I quickly turned my head so he wouldn't know I was staring at him stare at me. "You know," he said continuing to look me up and down, " you're really attractive." I felt my face blush and become warm in shock. I thanked him and gave him a small smirk. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, I began to feel like he was trying to keep conversation going but it made me slightly uncomfortable. Still, I told him Id been on a few dates but nothing serious. Trying to give longer answer in hopes it would make him ask different related questions. However, he went on asking if I'd ever had sex yet.

Most of the girls had been experimenting but I was still a virgin.

For some reason I didn't blush at the question but just replied, "No, not yet."

He looked at me in a funny way as if he were shocked, "really?" He said, "with your looks you could have any guy you'd ever want

I chuckled, "Right! I don't think so."

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