Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

'Dear, Kat 

Yeah, you probably won't read this but all the psychology people in here think I should put all my feelings on paper and send it to you to apologise. What a load of bullshit. I sent it anyway, because no doubt you're missing me, missing my touch.  

I'm not going to apologise because I enjoyed myself, even you did, if you'd let yourself believe it. Tell Mum I'm sorry, I'm sorry about the divorce and I'm sorry about breaking her heart. 

Even when you're not here, you cause me problems. You should see the state of my face, the other inmates hit me on my first day when they told them I was rapist. I'm not a rapist, it's just some label they give you when they presume things too early on. You enjoyed it, Kitty Kat, you begged me. You begged me for more.  

Anyway, this letter is just to tell you that I miss you and your soft, delicate skin. Your beautiful little hands and your sexy little voice. When I get out, I'll come back and get you. 

Love, Finn x' 

That was pretty much how my morning began and I went to school feeling nauseous. My mum didn't know about the letter, she was out feeding Tempest when the postman came and handed me the post as I was walking out to meet Carter.  

I shoved the letter in my bag and then put the rest of the post on the steps to the porch and read it in the bathrooms that morning before going to maths.

There was only so much that your friends could do to protect you, and unfortunately, Carter stood no chance when we moved to sit down in maths. 

Spencer didn't just have one brother coming over from Australia, he had two. Well, so I'd heard and those rumours were proven correct when two rowdy boys walked through the door and bustled up the aisle in the classroom. A quieter boy had followed behind, keeping his head down and only looking up to watch Spencer and the other boy slip into the seats next to me.

The brother that was sitting closest to me was the spitting image of Spencer, you'd of even thought that they were twins. For all I knew, they might've been, considering that they were all in the same year at school. Spencer's other brother had also taken a seat, but at the back of the classroom and still had his head down, looking at something on the desk.

Everybody had been talking about the strange arrival, saying how it was strange that they were only coming in for the end of the week. I'd heard in English that it was so they could collect their results here and get used to the school for when they started Sixth Form the following year.

"I understand that we are welcoming two new students for our final few hours," the teacher started, clapping his hands and grinning at the class. Carter next to me was leaning back in his chair and rolling his eyes.  

Spencer was one of the richer kids so I guessed that the rest of his family was as well. The richer you were at our school, the nicer they treated you. It seems completely ridiculous, you're all meant to be treated fairly at school, but it was something that we were all used to. The teachers sucked up to the richer kids in hope of being noticed or having a pay rise of whatever. Stupid, but that was the way it went.

"Yeah, this is my brother, Dean," Spencer introduced and then looked over his shoulder, jabbing his thumb back at the boy with black hair. "And that's Eli, my step-brother." The teacher nodded in acknowlegement before telling us all that there wouldn't be a lesson, we'd just put a film on in the background and then do whatever we liked. It always made me wonder why they even bothered getting us all in towards the end of school, it wasn't as if we learnt anything.

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