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Okay, so according to Andrew's plan, we booked for a hotel room in the next town. In this town, it was a little, dangerous.

"Does this room, look good for you guys?" Andrew asked me. The room looked cool.
Two beds, one balcony, one washroom, a tv, and some couches. Perfect.

"About your food, you have to go at the terrace for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That's where they have the kitchen." He said.

"Wow, kitchen on the terrace. That's a first." I said sitting on the bed. And God, the bed was so damn fluffy.

"Indeed." He replied, and smiled to me. His smile was cute. He even had dimples. Amazing, right?

"Let's get Mom here." I told him. He nodded and we left from that divine apartment.
"I'll take care of your house and the church things. You have my number, my email." He said as soon as we reached.

"Email? Are you serious?" I laughed.
"I just...let's say, were wired." He opened his arms for a hug. I went in, and hugged him. He smelled like cocoa.

"I'll wait here." He said, I nodded and saw Mom in front of me.
"Oh, Hey Mom! I was just coming to you." I said.

"Why." She asked blankly. Her face held no expressions. Just a normal, relaxed face was hers.

"Well. I want you to come with me, in my other apartment and live there for a few days." I told her as positively I could.

"Why will I do that?" She asked. Honestly, it was feeling so wired to even talk to her.
"Mom. You know what's been happening in our house, since...since...." I paused and stared at her.

"Since you found that board in the attic, in the left corner under a chair."  She said.

"Wow, that was so detailed. How come you know that? I never remember telling you so much details." I asked, totally confused.

"Because that's the chair I died in." Saying this she fainted.
Feat embraced me. I put my hand around her and started caressing her hair.

"Mom! Mom wake up!" I shook her a little.
"Oh, my God, Andrew call the ambulance!" I said looking away from her, when I turned my head to see her, she was sitting upright in front of me with deadly black sockets.

"You have to hurry. She's coming. She killed me and she will kill everyone. Save us! Save us!" She started screaming.
Tears formed in my eyes.

"Mom!" I yelled.
"Gosh, what happened?" I heard my Mom. Finally, she was back.
I hugged her.
"Mom! You...her...and then..." I tried to explain but failed miserably.

"It's okay, honey. Let's go inside." She said getting up.
"No. We aren't going in that house now. You are coming with me." I decided.

She sat in the car. As I looked back to see my house a last time, I saw a woman in the balcony. She smiled, and blood poured from her mouth, she laughed and jumped. I could see her body falling from the balcony and blood all over in the garden.

"You will regret this." I heard.
What the hell is happening?

I ran towards the car and locked the door.
"Go! Go now!" I said widening my eyes. We left in a hush.

I needed a second to breathe and think about what just happened? A woman I never saw ever, just jumped out of my balcony? Or, was I hallucinating?

Maybe. Maybe not.

"Abby? Can you explain what happened back there?" Andrew asked.

"Let me understand that shit." I said looking outside the window and the king, over thinking, about that entire incident, that happened back at my house.

We reached the room. Andrew left after he felt that Mom was quite okay in here.
"Mom? Should I order some stuff? Are you hungry?" I asked walking towards her.

"No. Thanks." She replied, smiling.
"Are you sure?" I asked, because she didn't eat anything from a very long time. Her puffy eyes revealed me this.

"Yes. I'm sure. By the way, can I ask you something?" She said.

"Sure Mom, anything." I replied, nodding.
"Remember the time, when you and Andrew went to some farmhouse?" She asked.

I never told Mom, that we are going to a farmhouse!

"Yes?" I acted normal.
"Some wiers things happened in here."

"Weird thing? Like?"

"I always use to hear noises from the attic. Screaming, sounds of footsteps, water dripping." She explained.

I kept quiet and listened to her. Her eyes were not puffy anymore, her tone in which she talked had started to change and she was speaking like, I will take revenge from you tone.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked.

"I tried to. She didn't let me touch the phone."



Alicia? I don't think it can be possible. Alicia was from my side by then. Mom....is lying?

"Yes!" I heard Alicia behind me. I shut my mouth and heard what Alicia had to say.

"She was lying to you the whole time! Why don't you get it? Look at her, if she didn't eat or drink anything, for so many days, how can she handle the walking? She should sleep, but she is asking wierd questions. This is not normal, Abby!"

She had a point. I, kind of, agreed with her. Logically, if we see, it is not possible for Mom to stand and stay as casual she is, after 'not eating the food' for 'so many days.'

What should I do?

"So, Mom. You think all this is happening because of Alicia?"

"Yes. It's all because of her."

"Then you must be knowing why she's doing all this?"

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do, Mom." I tried to get the truth out of her.

"I said, I don't!" Her eyes were furious.
"Now! If you don't shit that little piehole of yours, I'm going to bury you alive!" She yelled. Her voice was so bold, and not like a mom.

She sounded so angry.
"I know who you are!" I yelled back at her.

"Who am I?" She asked. Then, she gave out an evil laughter, that echoed in the room.

"You are Vega! The Queen of the Underworld!" I yelled, taking out one of the crosses that Father Simon had gave us. I didn't throw them, at least not all of them.

Her eyes held fear she distanced herself from the cross.
"You are Vega!" I yelled again.
Suddenly the entire room turned black.

Jesus Christ, we need a little help here. Please.



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