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February 15th, 1959. 12:49 am. Springfield, Illinois Airport

Buddy, Dion (and his Belmonts), Waylon and I couldn't get a flight for after the show back to New York, so we all decided to get a hotel and just leave tomorrow.

"It was super great meeting you all!" I smile, hugging Ritchie.

"Aw, Vi, you're super great, I'm glad we met." Ritchie says.

I pull away from him and turn to Bopper. "It was really great to meet you."

Bopper smiles. "You too, Vi. You're a pretty chic gal."

"We gotta do more stuff together, y'all are real talented." Buddy says, shaking Bopper's hand.

"Yes, 'course, I'll make sure to call." Bopper nods.

"Well, y'all gotta go get on the plane, yeah? Be careful, don't die." Buddy laughs.

Bopper and Ritchie laugh aswell. "We'll try not to." Ritchie shakes his head.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later!" I smile.

Bopper and Ritchie turn and head to their terminal. If I'm honest, I don't know where either of them live currently.

We manage to find a hotel near the airport and we check in. Buddy, Waylon and I to a room and Dion and the Belmonts in the one next door.

"I have never, ever, been so excited to sleep in a bed. An actual bed." Waylon says, flopping down onto one of the beds.

"Same here." Buddy sits on the bed opposite of Waylon.

"I need to shower before I actually die." I say, ducking into the bathroom.

I figure out the shower and peel off my dirty clothes, stepping under the warm water. I quietly sigh.

September 7th, 1952. 4:32 pm. The Holley Household

"You must be Miss Violet!" Buddy's mom exclaims, pulling me into an unnecessarily tight hug. "You're so pretty!"

"Haha, um, thank you!" I say, trying to pretend that I'm not super uncomfortable.

"I can see why Buddy likes you!" We pull away.

"Mom!" Buddy says, his eyes going wide.

"Oh! Sorry, hun. I'll go fix somethin' up for y'all." She hurries back into what I assume is the kitchen.

I turn to Buddy. He's bright red. "Sorry 'bout that." He mumbles, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, no problem. I understand. My mom is the same way." I hope he doesn't see through that lie.

"It's sorta embarassin'..." he looks up to me. "Well, you okay?"

"Aside from almost being crushed to death? Great." I smile

He smiles back. Is it bad that I think he's super cute?

"Uh, d'you wanna sit down?" He asks nodding towards the couch.

"Um, sure." I mutter. I feel so awkward.

We sit down and he looks at me. "Hey, so, uh, I know we haven't known eachother too long, but I-"

"Here, I made y'all some sweet tea and whore-deserves." Buddy's mom bursts in.

I cringe at her pronunciation of hors d'oevures. "Thank you, Mrs. Holley." I manage.

"No problem, Violet. Please, just call me Ella!" She sets down a tray. "You ever tried sweet tea?"

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