Letters (4)

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(J) Judging VS (P) Perceiving

The main difference between perceivers and judgers is that judgers prefer their world to be structured and planned, while perceivers prefer their world to be open ended and find that having plans is stifling. Judgers feel a sense of control in planning early and perceivers find a sense of control in leaving their options open.

J likes to finish one job before starting another
P starts many things without finishing

J prefers to move towards closure
P keeps options open

J structured
P flexible

J prefers to plan before takimg actions
P spontaneous with actions

J controlled
P rellaxed

J organized
P disorganized

J tends to stick to a plan
P tends to change decisions midway

P tends to procrastinate

A/N That were all the letters! Now, take them all together and see what you got! I got INFJ Personality, comment below what you did! Still struggling after the test? You can take online Personality Tests for free!

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