Cameo Shift

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Cameo Shift (C): occurs when a Therianthrope experiences a shift which feels like an animal that is not a known theriotype. This could be a mental, phantom shift, or dream shift, but other types of cameo shifts are possible as well. Cameo shifting seems to have first appeared in an Alt.horror.werewolves discussion in the late 1990's. This is a common shift experienced by most Therians at some point in their life.

A cameo shift should not be the sole consideration as evidence of being a polytherian.

It is possible that a cameo shift could be due to an individual having a spirit guide or being animal-hearted instead. Dream cameo shifts into other animals could be symbolic of other events in the Therianthrope's life and not related to therianthropy.

References Encyclopedia (2006 web archive) -

Mokele, "Is it a new wereside?", circa 2004.

"Hypothetical new weresides" June 17, 1999,

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