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I stood there, watching Scarlett walk away with what had to be the most guilt I've felt in years. I don't know why those words came out of my mouth. It was like I didn't have control over the words that tumbled out. Carson and Levy both slapped my shoulder, laughing harder when she left. But I didn't laugh. I didn't even turn around to look at them. I just continued to stare. Continued to stare at the retreating figure that was Scarlett.

"I can't believe you said that, bro," Carson lets out with a laugh.

Ignoring him, I push past and headed into the locker room to get my stuff. I don't know what I'm in a hurry for, but I feel as if I have to. Maybe it's a feeling that I'd catch up to her in time, but I couldn't stop myself from hurrying. I hop into my car and not even three minutes of driving, I see Scarlett walking on the side walk, so I decide to pull over, rolling down my window.

"Scarlett!" I call to her. She simply looks at me, rolls her eyes, and continues to walk away. I put the car in park and got out of the car to rush over to her.  I grip her wrist to make her stop and turn around. She tries to yank her wrist away but fails as I tighten my grip to keep her from doing so. "Scarlett, I'm sorry," I try to say. She doesn't seem to have heard and continues to try to get away from me.

"Go away, Austin," she exasperates.

"Not until you listen, ok?" I say, desperation dripping from my words.

She stops pulling and lets out a bitter laugh. "Why do you care? Aren't you happy I'm not talking to you?" She sneers.

No, I'm not happy. For some reason I can't seem to understand, I can't shake the feeling that I don't want her not talking to me. Granted, I hated the fact that I had to do this in the first place, but I really do enjoy talking to her; even if we don't get along most of the time. But when we do get along, it feels right. Nothing like the conversations other girls try to have with me.

"Can you just please forget what I said earlier and listen to what I have to say now? Please?" I ask, trying to keep a calm demeanor.

"Why?" She asks shrugging her shoulders. "Why should I? I've tried putting up with you and your snappy comebacks and...you know what...I have tried to brush off all of your rudeness - not just to me, but to everyone else- thinking that you'd come around and actually be nice!" She shakes her head.

I heave out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair. "I...I don't have an excuse for what I said, but-" I try to say, but she cuts me off.

"Why did you say it?" She asks.

I look at her soft eyes not really wanting to tell her the reason why I said what I said. The reason...well, is quite idiotic and embarrassing now that I think about it. She already thinks really low of me and if I tell her, she'll think even lower of me, if that's possible. Scarlett raises her eyebrows expectantly, waiting for an answer. I purse my lips together, bawling my fists in agitation. When I don't say anything, she rolls her eyes and starts to walk away.

"I was scared!" I yell. Scarlett stop in her tracks, turns around, and slowly starts to walk back. "I...was scared, ok?" I repeat scratching the back of my neck. I usually don't tell anyone how I'm feeling, but now is a good time as any. "My friends, they- well, we judge too quickly. We judged you too quickly, based on rumors I mean," I explain trying to find the right words. Scarlett nods her head, trying to grasp what I'm saying. "What I'm trying to say is, I said what I said because my friends...they...they don't really talk to other people outside of our group?" I say nervously. Although, I'm pretty sure it came out more like a question if anything. I couldn't flat out say that they don't like talking to people like her. There's really no "people like her", but I don't want her thinking the worst.

I prepare myself for her to yell at me, hit me, but as I continue to stare at her, a small smile soon makes its way to her face.

"You know...caring about what other people think can be very trying at times," she says with a thoughtful expression. "I mean, I wouldn't know what that might feel like since I don't give a rip of what people think of me, but that's what I imagine it might be."

I give her a suspicious glance through squinted eyes wondering how she knew what I meant. Scarlett laughs stepping closer to me. "You didn't have to say anything," she says shaking her head smiling, "It's not hard to figure out what you meant through that explanation of yours."

I chuckle shaking my head as well. "So uh, are we good?" I ask.

"Were we ever good?" She asks trying to stifle a laugh. "I mean with how much we argue?"

I laugh along with her shaking my head. "True...but you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do," she nods, giving me one of her breathtaking smiles. Without having her say anything after that, I can tell just by her smile that we are. There's something reassuring about that smile. Comforting almost. "And to answer your question, yeah, we are"


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