Chapter Eleven

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I'm going to be uploading faster guys! I finally have access to a laptop and I no longer have to type on my phone. Plus I want to finish this book. I've got big Ideas.

Enjoy! Comment And Vote!!!

Sin had kept his word. He had left me alone. In the two days that had passed since his 'fight' he hadn't uttered a single word to me. In fact, if you didn't count the quick looks I sneaked out of my window, I hadn't even seen him.

He was ditching government and his car was usually gone by the time I woke up in the morning.

Still, I knew it wouldn't last forever. I knew he couldn't keep ditching class and tip toeing around me. I didn't know what I was going to do when he decided it was taking too much energy.

"Stalking Sin again?" Aiden asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I glared at him as I continued tying my shoes by the window. "I'm going on a jog. I'm just checking the weather."

He rolled his eyes. "Right. Well why don't you jog by Grace's house. She's been dodging my calls. I think we're in a fight."

That caught my attention. I narrowed my eyes. "What did you do?"

Hey, us females had to stick together.

Aiden seemed insulted. "I didn't do anything. She just started ghosting me. I don't know, I feel like high school is getting to her."

I pursed my lips. I wanted to tell him about the girls at school being jealous but I didn't want to betray Grace's trust. Plus I didn't want him getting a bigger head than he already had."Fine, I'll talk to her."

He nodded before focusing his eyes out the window. "Looks like Sin wants to talk to you."

I nearly broke my neck by how fast I twisted giving the window all of my attention. I raised brow when I didn't see Sin anywhere. Aiden burst out laughing.

"Checking the weather huh?" He said walking up the stairs. 

I threw my water bottle at him.

I wiggled my toes inside my sneakers, making sure they were comfortable before beginning my jog. I decided to go straight to Grace's house since it was on the same block. Her parents were really strict about who they let in the house so we didn't really spend time over there, but I knew where she lived. I jogged up her walkway lightly knocking on her door.

The door opened almost immediately. Her dad stood towering over me with a frown on his face. "Can I help you?"

I sent him my best smile. "Can I speak with Grace please." I knew how to respect my elders.

He gave me a sneer before looking at my outfit. I'll admit the tights were a little revealing and my white shirt kind of showed off my bright orange sports bra but still, I didn't look like a prostitue. I could tell that Grace's dad thought I did though.

"Grace is doing her homework. She can't have company right now."

I nodded my head, still trying to be respectful. "Well could you just tell her to give me a call when she's done?"

He was basically already closing the door. "I'll let her know." The door slammed in my face.

I frowned. "You didn't even ask for my name asshole..." I mumbled under my breath. 

shaking off my irritation, I continued on my jog making my way to the park in my neighborhood. I decided to stop and get some water since I had thrown my bottle at Aiden. Sometimes my temper got me in trouble.

As I made my way to the fountain I heard low voices. They sounded like they were arguing and I swear one of them sounded familiar.

"I Told you, I can't do this shit anymore. My mom is asking too many damn questions. Plus she wants me to go to fucking college. I can't-"

"You know what the hell you signed up for King. Don't think you can back out now. You know the drill."

The one they called King sounded scared. "I'll do one more job." He said after a while. "And then I'm out."

It was at this moment I realized that maybe I shouldn't have been eavesdropping on this particular conversation. But I was frozen. In shock.

"Fine. what about you, Killer? You thinking of backing out before your probation's up too"

"Did I say I was thinking of backing out?" Killer said with an attitude.

Killer was Sin.

My heart as pounding out of my chest. Was this gang violence? Were they talking about drugs? Was I being punked? 

Still I couldn't move and I continued to listen to their conversation.

"Drop the attitude Killer. You should know better than to speak to your Captain that way."

I wanted to look. Just to see the boys that were involved in this conversation. "You're only going to be captain for a while Beast. Then it's back to the back of the line." Sin sounded like he was smiling. I didn't understand how he possibly could be amused at this situation.

"We'll see about that. knowing you, I'll have this job permanently come May."

I was nosy. I wanted to know what they were talking about. My common sense told me to book it out of there but my shady bitch side wanted tea.

I heard a sound before Sin spoke again. "Or I could claim my spot right now."

Was that the sound of a gun. did Sin have a gun. an involuntary squeal came out of my mouth and I quickly covered it with my hands. 

Tea is never worth your life, run!

Everything went deathly quiet for a couple of seconds before I heard Beast speaking. "Who the fuck's there?!"

I slowly walked into the ladies bathroom tip toeing. I had never been so scared in my life.

"Somebody's fucking here. I know what the fuck I heard." Beast was yelling. I heard footsteps seeming to get closer and closer to my hiding spot. I slid into a stall closing the door. I stood on the toilet so you couldn't see my shoes. I held my breath.

Somehow, I knew Sin would end up getting me killed one of these days.

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