Chapter Ten

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Considering Hekate and Marcia hadn't had their powers for very long, the fact that two days went by with no issue made them nervous. Although Marcia wanted to take time to practice with her new powers, Erik continually monopolized her time. Whereas Caleb and Hekate continued their flirtatious dance.

By the time it was Friday, Hekate was already beginning to feel anxious. She wasn't sure if it was from the anxiety of awaiting the next attack, or the next time she would see Caleb. Either way, Marcia was having fun teasing her over lunch.

"If you're looking for your boyfriend, he had to leave early," Marcia said as she sat down next to Hekate in the lunchroom.

Erik moved to sit across from them. "He got sick during class, so they sent him home."

Marcia leaned into her arm. "Looks like you'll have to be our third wheel again."

"He's too sick to go to the club tonight?" she asked, immediately regretting the question.

"I think puking your brains out counts as too sick. I could text him to ask," Erik said with a slick smile.

Even though it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, Hekate was still feeling disappointed. Anxiety or not, she still wanted to hang out with him tonight. Her hand reached up to touch the brand on her chest as it continually ached. Her fingers traced the brand even though her black polo shirt blocked it from her touch. They still followed the lines of the brand, searching for comfort.

Marcia was quick notice and reached to grab her hand. She held it to her own chest and grinned. "Don't worry, we won't be gross. And you won't feel like a third wheel. I promise!" She pulled Hekate's hand to her lips to kiss her knuckles before looking up to smile.

Hekate quickly glanced at her hand before turning towards Erik, laughing. "You had better not be gross. I don't want to have to ditch you guys again."

"I'll do my best," he chuckled, winking at Marcia.

Though school and Caleb were nice distractions, it was never enough. Hekate was able to fake normal while in front of the other students, but the moment she was alone or only with Marcia, her expression would fall. Not only had something made her snap at Diana, but she had even snapped at Moro in the same way the night before.

She didn't tell Marcia. Neither did Moro. They both agreed to only tell her if it was beginning to become a problem or she couldn't be brought out of it. The nightmares were helping either. Every night, she'd watch as her arm dropped, sword in hand, to decapitate someone different. The faces ranged from people she knew, to herself again and Marcia. But only with the two of them did wings erupt from the body as it slumped to the ground. If it was a normal human, they simply fell. And each time the same words were whispered into her ear.

"Death is a gift," she murmured.

After school, Hekate received a text from Caleb, apologizing for not being able to go on their date tonight. She told him to feel better and that it was all right. But once again, her hand reached for the brand.


"Sorry," she whispered before letting her hand drop.*

On the refrigerator was a note from her mother telling her she would be late getting home from work. However, she still expected Hekate to be home before one in the morning. Hekate placed the note back onto the counter before climbing the stairs to her bedroom.

Although she had intended to go all out tonight, the idea gave her a headache. Caleb wasn't there, so there was no point in dressing up like she planned. Instead, she reached for something comfortable. She pulled out a plain white t-shirt and threw a worn gray leather jacket over it with a pair of jeans. To make sure she didn't annoy Marcia too much, she spent some time making sure her hair was free of crimps and frizz with the hair straightener.

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