Making a deal with my boss?

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Sophia's P.O.V.
I groaned and turned my back to face the windows as the morning sunlight peeked through the windows saying hello.

I twisted and turned a bit longing for more sleep but my stomach was growling. I threw off the sheets and walked to the door. Just when I almost opened it I heard a snore. I then remembered yesterday and decided to go through the balcony doors to the kitchen.

I put on Marcus's bath robe and walked into the cool air of the morning. I stretched and tiptoed into the den. Walking into the kitchen I opened the fridge and found that there was no food!

"He is probably having take out. That's not very good for his health..." I murmured to myself.
I then saw 2 bananas grabbed both and started eating one.


I looked down the hall way and saw that Marcus was sleeping on the ground in the hallway. He was still in his clothes from yesterday night and probably was waiting for me to come out all morning. (Thankfully the takeout he brought home one day ago was in the bedroom so I had that for dinner)

"I still hate the fact you ate a days old food," Thora commented.

"Well desperate times call for desperate measures." I responded.

"Whatever, it's still gross."

I walked up to Marcus and murmured to myself, "Who on Earth would fall asleep on the floor? Idiot there is a sofa in the den." I finished eating one banana and was just about to peel the other. When I heard a growl.

I looked at him shrugged, grabbed a plate and set the plate on the coffee table in the den. I went over to him and since he was sitting up right I pulled his arms up and walked backwards to drag him to the sofa. The sparks were flowing through my body endlessly.

-30 minutes later-

Once I had finally got close to the sofa I looked at him. He had a bruise on his right eyebrow from me accidentally dropping him but was still sleeping, surprisingly. I inched towards the sofa still walking backwards but I instead of carefully laying him on the sofa. I tripped and fell on the sofa myself, dragging him along.

"OUCH!?"I cried as My head hit the hard arm of the sofa. I squinted my eyes in pain. As I tried to move I couldn't because Marcus was on top of me!

"Oh great! JUST GREAT! This coach is really uncomfortable! Plus, Marcus is on top of me and I don't know what he is going to do when he wakes up! He is also too heavy, I can barely breath!" I said to myself while watching his face.

"Is this really that much of a problem? Just wake him up," Thora said.

"What!? NO! That's a terrible idea!"

"Just trying to help but okay."

His face was facing mine sideways to his left. I was blushing red hot and the sparks were going warm making me sweat because he was so close to me. I then heard a groan and Marcus's eyelashes were twitching a little.

"Crap he's up!"I whispered to myself as I was still trying to think of an escape route but couldn't think of anything.

I was trapped!! He then finally put his hands on either side of my head on the couch and was still slightly laying on top of me. It felt as if he was holding me and when he did that the sofa didn't feel as uncomfortable as before for some reason.....

As he opened his eyes he looked at me in surprise but his pupils went dark and he smirked. "Well good morning Little Kitten. You really seem eager to have breakfast."

He said by my ear making me shiver by his thick warm breath and the sparks.

"B-but I have already eaten" I said looking away from his eyes.

"Oh! Really? Well I haven't and I always like my desert before breakfast...." he said licking and nibbling my ear. My whole body went paralyzed. His wet and warm licks and nibbles seemed to send electricity to my soul. I just laid there blushing and my body wishing for more.

He then stopped looked at me and then got off smirking, "but that'll be for when we get married." I sat up my body wanting to be caressed by his big but strong hands.

I furrowed my eyebrows still my legs still paralyzed from what happened and said, " What?"

He ignored my question and then said, "That also reminds me that I need to get a replacement for your job."

"HUH!?"I said horrified, my heart for some reason didn't want to separate from him.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I screamed without thinking. He looked at me with surprise and furrowed his eyebrows saying, "

"I can and will," he responded sternly.

"No!" I screamed not having any of this crap.





"Fine! I will make a deal with you okay?" He said crossing his arms.

"Fine!" I said crossing my arms too.

"I will pick a candidate and you will compete against her for the job okay? My friend and I are meeting on Monday with the candidate and I will decide which one of you should have the job after the competition."

I raised an eyebrow and said, "Fine! I accept this deal!"

Hello lovelies! I hope y'all are safe! Thx for reading!

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