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Winter-Rose POV

I don't really know what to expect from her. She has always let me do what I felt was right. Even at a young age, she would never push me into something I don't want to know if I didn't want to do it I'll argue until the end of the world. She would give me a 'light' push into the direction she wanted me to go to.

"If you want to fight for the bond you can my Rose," she sighed," but if you don't want to be with him you don't have to. You must also understand your wolf is a royal, she will soon need to find a mate, the werewolf King or not, enemy or not I don't want you to regret your choice. Make sure to think long and hard on it, now get out my office I have work to do,"

I leave her office. I need to think long and hard on what I will do, yes our people have been at each other's throats since the empire split but we could be the force that unites the werewolves. Our people would be stronger together than apart, both our kingdoms strong but together we would be unstoppable.

We can be happy together and rule together. Throne smiles at the thought of our mate and us ruling together. Uniting our people.

I make my way to the clinic to see what happened to these people.

Drake explained to me that they were captured because trespassing on Wayland's land and they were stopped and thrown in jail. One of them also argued with a guard.

When he finishes explaining I rule my eyes. Rogues.

I also learned the reason they were trespassing was that they were trying to get to the city and the only shortcut that would get them here faster was through the training area.

If they needed to get to the city all they had to do was get in touch with one of the hounds, they are always going around looking for rogues in need of help.

A hound is rogues that are no longer living and want to help even in the afterlife. They want to make up for some sins they have committed while they were living.

They are faster, stronger, larger, and scarier than a regular wolf. They can go months without food or sleep, they can also look like a regular four-legged animal if needed. If I wasn't the one to control them I would think they are threatening.

To control them one would need a lot of willpower as well as a strength not only physically but mentally. If you aren't they can take our mind slowly, you'll only realize when it's too late.

Many fear what would happen if they were ever to be free from someone's control others fear the power the person controlling them truly has. I don't care for that all I worry about is them making it to the moon safely.

According to them, the hounds were nowhere to be found. They are lying and I know it, hounds are everywhere, you can probably find one on mount Everest. I dismissed them but told one of the warriors to keep tabs on all of them and make sure to give me a weekly update. I don't care what age, height, rank I don't have time for this, for them to lie to me like that. They must think I'm some child.

I may be eighteen but doesn't mean I haven't lived. Age doesn't make you mature, height doesn't make you a big person, rank doesn't determine your smarts or your capabilities.

For us rouges we don't have ranks. We are all equal. Some may be bigger than others but don't mean the small doesn't eat twice as much. You are tall but doesn't mean the short can't reach something that is over you.

When training starts you are placed in groups just to know where we have to start your training. We will always try to get the best out of you. We never want you to feel there is a limit to you or your wolf can do.

If you are in an omega group and want to become a delta we aren't stopping you. We will push you, it will never be easy but we are rogue's, life was and will never be easy for us.

I walked into the doctor's office ready to find out the results of the test they took on our guess.

When I stepped foot inside the room everyone there stopped what they were doing to show me their necks. I nod telling them it's ok, they continue to work.

I like when they show their necks, it's not mandatory but they do it to show respect and support. They respect me and my role as their future Queen.

Queens are supposed to be sweet, beautiful, calm, loving, pushovers, but Kings are the dangerous, deadly ones. Last time I checked if a woman wants to have a man wrapped around her finger, he won't stand a chance.

That's why they show respect, they understand that I won't be pushed around.

I went to see Doctor Karlo, he is the oldest and wisest doctor that we have. He is over three hundred years old.

Doctor Karlo explained to me that all of them were injected with Cloroatelè. It was a dangerous substance that was banned over hundreds of years ago.

It's used to make a werewolf lose control of their Wolf for a period of time. They become a puppet to whoever's it is that gives it to them.

Karlo explained to me that they weren't injected with it meaning it's not strong so it won't last. He's already working on making the cure for it. If they were injected with it, the poison would be in their bloodstream for a year depending on how strong it is.

The biggest question is who gives it to them.

I mind-link Fin to tell him to take some of the people to the interrogation room. Its time to get some answers to my questions.


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