Room 404

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I love travelling. Every holiday, I'd book a ticket at the airport, pack a backpack, and go to someplace I haven't been to before. This holiday, however, I decided to try something different and go to some Asian country. It was excellent, the food, the culture, the traditions. 

I enjoyed myself all day before I made a horrible realization. I had completely forgotten to book a hotel room. Shoot.

The only options left were a five-star luxury hotel and a cheap motel that looked centuries old. I couldn't afford the five-star since I had a really limited budget. I had to go for the motel.

When I walked in the doors, the receptionist was dozing in his seat. It took me ages to wake him up. When I finally did manage it, he stared at me like I was something stuck to the sole of his shoe.

'I'd like to book a room, please,' I said, while this guy just stared at me dozily.

'Room? No room, full,' he replied after about a millennia in a strange accent.

I kept insisting on it. Everyone knows that hotels keep a few spare rooms. Finally, he gave in and handed an old rusty key to me. 404, the number on the tag read.

'Remember,' the receptionist said to me, as quietly as possible, 'if feel anything weird in middle of the night, don't open eyes, don't get up. Pretend asleep.'

Worst advice ever. Must be one of those stuff old women tell their grandchildren to keep them in their beds.

Room 404 wasn't bad at all. At least it had a bed, a bathroom, and a kettle for boiling water. I changed, switched off the fan that I had accidentally switched on and got into bed. It felt as if it hasn't been slept in for ages, but at least it was comfortable. I was out in no time at all, which is a record for me.

About a few hours later, I woke up. It must be in the middle of the night since I couldn't hear anything except for the whirring of the fan. Must be that that woke me up. I got out of bed and reached for the switch, shutting it off. Well, I didn't break the rules the receptionist set for me since the whirring of a fan was pretty normal. I got back into bed and back to sleep.

Another one of those riddles. Answer if you get it.

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