Author's Note

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Hello everyone who is reading this, my name is A.J Fast and this is my first story. Not like my first story published but my first ever attempt at writing a story. I'm not some genius who has been writing five-star stories in my basement for years, I'm just a dude trying something new.

Since this is my first story and I have no real prior experience I appreciate any and all criticism and feedback on my story to allow me to get better at this. 

This story will have some pretty graphic violence and some bad language so if you are sensitive to that sort of stuff this is a forewarning to you.

Thank you for so much as considering to read my story as I am sure there are other better written and more interesting stories out there by amazing writers. So to take some time out of your day to read my story is so very motivational for me to keep trying this out.

Thanks and have a great day,

A.J Fast

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