Road to their Downfall

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A little girl was given to much power. That's how people around her looks at her and speaks to her. As though she doesn't understand anything they tell her.

Putting on her weapons belt, she looks herself over in the mirror. Her teal eyes looked not quite frightened, but a mixture of everything. Excited, scared, worried, and least of all, ready. Everything is happening to fast. It felt like just yesterday they were discussing the next events, her friend planning the war. She couldn't help but blame herself for all this. Dragging her friends into this, making them grow up to fast. She also blames herself for dragging herself into this.

"Are you ready, Your Highness?" A lady asks, creaking her bedroom door open.

A simple nod of her head and the Empress is already on her way to see her friends.

All the girls match. Everyone wearing black, but to represent their side, they've got six purple lines on their wrists, representing each other, a sign to them of who they're fighting for. The Empress' wrists have seven, one for her sister, five for her friends and one for-

That's when he comes into the room. His eyes shot to hers, taking her in. He walks straight to her, taking her hand in his. His wrists only hold one line, the one for her, cause she is the only person he has left.

They walk onto their special jet. One of hundred jets being brought for this battle. The first battle.

Out of everyone going, the six people on this jet were to be protected at all costs. This jet holds the strongest warrior. The most intelligent. The wisest. And the strategist, the one who plans everything. And finally, to her opinion, the least valuable, the Empress, herself.

As the Empress looks at her friends huddled together on the other side of the jet, she can't help the feeling that she shouldn't be here. Shouldn't be on the jet under the most protection.

Looking out the window, they fly over a meadow. In the meadow, beautiful flowers sprang in different areas, showing a now rare sign of peace. Of almost certainly impossible chance of living. Her hand twitched as her eyes focused more on the yellow flower, one of her favorite colors. Wanting so badly to take a paintbrush, and mix different colors to make the unique hue, but she knew that if she'd ever paint again, she'd have to try. Try and win this not for herself, but for her sister-the only family she has left, for Scott and his son Carson, for him she owes her life. And for her friends, the only people close to her enough to know when she's struggling with the position thrown onto her already weak shoulders.

As the view changes, a loud sound rings throughout the aircraft, making her teeth chatter as the whole thing shakes under her feet. Everything didn't seem to be real, not until a hand grasped her shoulder, breaking her from her daze. "Come on!" The warrior said into her ear. "You can't be hurt." She says.

Everyone puts on their parachutes, heading out of the jet. Her, still being confused follows her friend, and watches as she jumps from the falling jet.

Now knowing it's her turn, she stands in front of the exit, and without allowing herself a second thought, she jumps.

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