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No. What am I doing? No. I can't fall for a human. I can't love a human.

At this thought, her eyes widened which were staring into Jimin's. Soon, she disappeared, scared by the thought to fall for a human. Jimin's eyes widened at her sudden disappearance. But then, a small smile formed on his face, satisfied that he could comfort her. He then went upstairs to his, Jungkook's and Hoseok's room. Jimin opened the door and jumped into Jungkook's bed, making Jungkook groan in irritation.

"Hyung, go on your own bed," said Jungkook in a sleepy but irritated tone.

"No," Jimin denied as he smiled looking at Jungkook, who contorted his nose.

"Ugh, go hyung or I have to kick you out of my bed," Jungkook glared at him.

"Yaah, I am your hyung. Talk to me respectfully."

"Okay. So my respectful hyung, I respectfully say that, go to your respectful bed, before I kick your respectful butt," Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"Yaah," Jimin clicked his tongue and shook his head, silently laughing. "You know Jungkook-ah. I made a ghost friend today."

"You... What?" Jungkook's eyebrows frowned as he took in his words and looked at him.

"Yes. She was crying before near the fireplace and I comforted her. She was really beautiful," continued Jimin with a mild smile.

"First of all hyung, ghosts are not beautiful. They all are ugly as I have seen them in horror movies. Second of all, THEY DON'T EXIST!" Jungkook's tone was that of frustration.

"They do. And she was really pretty. I believe Hoseok hyung now. He wasn't lying. She really had scared-" Jimin was cut off as Jungkook snapped.

"I told you! Ghosts don't exist," he sat straight on the bed, exhaling.

"What what? Ghost!? Where where? Aaah..." startled by Jungkook's raised voice, Hoseok woke up from his sleep.

"Hyung, you were right. I met a ghost near the fire place," said Jimin to Hoseok who just woke up.

"L-look I told you...I was right when I saw that strange reflection of mine. I wasn't seeing things. There's a ghost in this house," Hoseok started to get panic.

"Oh, shut up you both, this is all non sense," said irritated Jungkook.

"You'll believe in them when you'll see them with your own eyes," Hoseok hugged a pillow, scanning cautiously his surrounding.

"Oh... Okay... You both saw the ghost right? Come on. Show me," said frustrated Jungkook as he stood up and grabbed Jimin's and Hoseok's wrists, with both of his hands. He dragged them down the stairs and loosened his grip when they reached the living room.

"Oy, GHOST. COME OUT. MY HYUNGS SAY THEY SAW YOU. THEY SAY YOU SCARED THEM. COME ON SCARE ME TOO," Jungkook's shout echoed in the whole house.

"Look. No ghosts here! I know, either you both are pranking me or there's a hidden camera somewhere," said Jungkook to the older guys. By the time, everyone came out of the room, hearing Jungkook yelling.

"What happened to him?" Jin enquired, who just came out of his room and stood beside Namjoon.

"Puberty. You know, war of hormones," Namjoon replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"The kid is growing," Jin scoffed.

"Why are you shouting Jungkook?" Taehyung walked up to his side and stood beside him.

"Thank god hyung. Now tell them that GHOSTS DON'T EXIST. They just gave me a headache," Jungkook massaged his temples, exhaling sharply.

"But, they do exist Jungkook. I saw her too," said Taehyung placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

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