2 | cardboard characters

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what is okay: having your OC take the occasional line from a character because it suits them/they haven't talked in a while and you adjust the line so it isn't the same word-for-word

what is not okay: having your OC speak only in stolen dialogue and making them follow bellamy & clarke around like a lost puppy

what is not okay: having your OC speak only in stolen dialogue and making them follow bellamy & clarke around like a lost puppy

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i'm going to say this flat out. there is nothing interesting about reading a fanfiction with a character who does nothing but agree with everything the mains think & says only the things they say with the words changed around a little bit. i've seen season 1 at least three times and know basically everything that happens by heart. your audience wants something original, not the same thing they've seen and read a billion times.

try to remind yourself that your OC is supposed to represent a real person. no two people are exactly the same. the character should have their own ideas, opinions, and morals.

but some stories are written as if their character is a robot!! their personality is literally never discernible because they're just following the others around and stealing random lines. a heck of a lot of stuff happens during season one. let your character branch off! maybe they stay behind at camp while the others seek mount weather. maybe they help jasper when he's injured.

there is actually a fairly popular fanfiction where i had to stop reading because the OC stole so many lines (mainly clarke's) word-for-word and i couldn't take it anymore

anyway, the point is: give your character personality and make them stand out. there are a heck of a lot of the 100 fanfics out there. even the littlest of things can make yours more interesting than the rest!

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