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3rd person pov

Leilani glanced back and forth between the love of her life and the only person in the way of her going to her. She knew better than to let her emotions take over and mess up a good deal. She waited impatiently as Shane talked to her friend and looked through the bag.

"I think me and you gon get along just fine" She said smiling big and then turned around. "Denim! Come here." She yelled making Leilani frown again and then watch as Denim swiftly paced to where they were. Denim had a million thoughts racing through her mind as she stood beside Shane not being able to take her eyes off of the beautiful stranger. She couldn't help but to think she's seen her before.

Leilani felt her heart palpitating as she watched the couple interact. Shane introduced her while putting her arm around her waist. Denim didn't seem to be into it at all.

"Just call me Creed." Leilani said her accent once again slurring her words.

"Well Creed this is my girlfriend Denim. She can be a bit stubborn and hard headed. But just give her a slap on the ass and she'll be fine." Shane said laughing.

Leilani glared at Shane, she saw what was wrong here. She looked at her beta Aria and they gave each other 'we gotta talk later' looks. Leilani looked back to Denim, she wanted to smile and get all happy and hug her but she resisted and kept her face emotionless.

She smoothly took the slip of paper with her number on it from Aria and crumbled it into a ball. She held her hand out to Denim with the paper hidden between her fingers.

Denim hesitantly reached out to shake her hand looking to Shane for assurance. She slightly nodded and Denim shook her hand and Leilani let the small paper ball fall into her palm. Denim pulled away and squeezed her fist tightly keeping the paper secure before sinking back to her place up under Shane.

"So shall we set up a second meeting?" Leilani proposed turning her attention back to Shane .

"I thought you would never ask." Shane said with much more excitement than Leilani.

"I was thinking exactly 2 months from now when I come back to the states." Leilani said glancing at Denim who was staring down at her feet.

Shane frowned disappointed. "I was hoping we would spend more time together but as you wish." Aria smirked at Milo catching him staring at her chest once again. She wasn't thinking anything flirtatious she was feeling rather sinister. Aria was very much attracted to only women. But she preyed on men like Milo, the ones who try and hit on her despite the fact that she dresses like them.

Aria felt a nudge in her side and she looked over and Leilani gave her a sadistic look. It's like she knew what she was thinking. Of course she knew they had to be in sync like that in order for thier partnership and friendship to work how it does.

Aria smirked and Leilani nodded. Shane watched the two interact without words trying to decipher the hidden language. She knew a handful of languages including sign language but none of that helped her decipher what they were doing with little to no actions.

Milo couldn't seeem to keeps his eyes off of Arias double D cup breasts. He knew she was gay he saw the way she dressed but that didn't stop him. Under those clothes she was still a women. A women with very large breasts.

Leilani took her back wood from behind her ear and lit it. "I have to go, beta lets go." Leilani said clenching her jaw when Shane roughly grabbed Denim's jaw and kissed her.

"Ok, bye Creed." Shane said and Leilani said nothing as she grabbed the bag of cash and she walked out the club the same way she came in.

Denim let her eyes follow Leilani out hoping she would just come back and save her. She saw they way she looked at her and she still had her fist clenched with the paper ball in it.

"Where's my money mami?" Shane asked waiting for Leilani to fully leave before pulling Denim onto her lap and gripping onto her hips.

"I-i uhm," Denim started stuttering trying to think of a better excuse than i forgot. Even if it was the ultimate truth, she was too distracted by Leilani to remember to collect her money. "It's, uhm in the back."

"Ok, i thought you didn't have it for a second. Go get it and let's go." Denim got up from Shane's lap and scurried off to the back. She looked around for some other girls money bag hoping to find one. She didn't want to steal thier money but she didn't want to wake up in the hospital with a broken neck again because she didn't collect any.

She saw a bag of money hanging on somebody's chair and she looked around before rushing over and grabbing it. She ran out the door with the bag in her hand before someone could notice it was gone.

"Here." She was shaking as she gave the bag to Shane who looked through it before smirking.

"This isn't the bag I gave you." She growled and denim gulped before taking a step back.

Shane smiled standing to her feet and grabbing ahold of the back of Denim's already ripped shirt. They walked out of the club and Shane draggged Denim out to the car. Denim sat in the front seat and waited while Shane talked to Milo.

She felt around in her pocket for the balled up piece of paper feeling it. She was about to pull it out but the drivers side door opened and Shane got in.

Denim jumped as she slammed the door and looked over at her. "The fuck yo scary ass jumping for?" She questioned laughing.

Denim wanted to say something but she decided against remembering how much trouble her mouth has gotten her in before.

Leilani leaned her head against the tinted car windows watching the city pass before her eyes. She was on her way to the airport so she could fly out to New York and from there she would go to Atlanta and then she was off to Russia.

She felt some type of way leaving Denim with Shane. She has been looking for this girl for 10 years. And up to now the most she's gotten was social media. After she moved she had no way to contact her. She tried running away a few times but that ocean was always the part she got stuck on.

Leilani wasn't even sure if Denim remembered her or even was even interested in someone like her. But she had no choice but to try. Since she's met her she's focused her life on loving this one person.

Aria glanced over and shook her head at her bestfriend who was deep in her feelings. "Yo, who was that girl cuz she got you all in yo feelings."

Shane turned to her slowly. "That girl is the love of my life." She said lowly.

"Well shit let's go get bae." Aria said seeing no reason as to why Denim stayed behind.

"We can't, She's with Shane." Leilani said letting her head drop.

"Fuck Shane that's the love of your life." This is the main why the two were friends. They were always down to do anything to make the other happy.

"Trust me Inma get her but I need to find out what's going on between those two before I do anything. I think she's being abused. But I need to handle this buisness and then stable out my life a little more so I can be there for her." Leilani said and Aria nodded.

"I still feel like we should just go in and bust a cap in Shane and take Denim." Aria said and Leilani chuckled.

"I'll think about it."

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