Chapter 3 ~ The Bonnie

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Chapter Three: The Bonnie


Atanas had been gone too long. I'd given him some money and he'd insisted on going shopping alone but now I was worried something had happened.

"I hope something's happened." I muttered to myself, pouring a glass of vodka, drinking it like water.

Hopefully he'd been murdered or captured again and I could replace his presence with a cat. The odd thought had my brain stuttering for a moment, he'd only been here two nights, was I already used to having another being around? Had I been more lonely than I thought and not realised until Atanas arrived? Maybe I did need a cat, or a therapist.

The door handle suddenly rattled, stealing me from my thoughts and I watched the door open, leaning over the counter to make sure it was my captor.

I watched in abject horror as Atanas led a female into my space. I never brought mortals back here, not to feed on, not as friends, not even to fix anything in the flat.

"I need to feed." He whispered as he walked past me, leading the woman who looked no more than a girl to the couch.

He was wearing new clothes that he'd gotten from Gods knew where, black shirt and black jeans, perhaps dark colours were a vampire thing, we couldn't exactly blend into the shadows wearing neon pink and yellow.

I grabbed his arm, stopping him, "This isn't how I do things, I don't like my home being...contaminated by this part of our lives."

For a moment, he looked understanding before he shrugged, "It's not safe for us to be hunting until I am at my full strength, if I'm spotted and recognised, we'll both be in trouble, trust me."

Releasing his arm, I decided to ignore him, going back to my drink on the kitchen counter, glaring right back at the woman who stared at me.

"Who is she? I'm not into threesomes." I heard her mutter to Atanas which made me roll my eyes.

"You and me both darling." I grumbled against the glass of vodka, stiffening when I heard Atanas laugh.

"Don't worry about her, she's just a pet, no where near as beautiful as you." he assured her.

My heart clenched, the glass shattering in my hand, the sound masked by the girlish giggle the human let out. I grabbed the bottle of vodka and stomped my way back to my room, stopping to glare over at Atanas.

"Just don't get blood on my couch." I snapped, stepping through the door into my sanctuary.

Perhaps a shower would help calm me down and get rid of the tention in my shoulders. I grabbed a towel and existed again for the bathroom, making a show of not even glancing in their direction.

I locked the door, sighing as the light flickered on and off before slowly buzzing and then busting. Standing unimpressed in the dark, I takes around the small cupboard above the sink until I found candles and a lighter, making my own light. At least it gave the room a more mellow feel, it's orange glow already helping in relaxing me.

Turning the shower on, I then started to strip, catching the white scars of my past in the mirror. I threw the towel over it, hiding my reflection from sight.

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