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"I know."

That's all Hunter had said when he told him about his mother. Before he could respond to that the pilot told them to prepare for landing. After that, he barely got to talk to him.

He wondered if Diana knew.

There were two possibilities for his mother and Diana to look alike. And he didn't like either.

Sebastian didn't even know which part of the country they were in. They landed in a deserted ground. The only thing you could see from that place within a 5-mile radius was one house. It was pretty big.

Hunter led Diana to the house talking to her with a lot of hand gestures. She had a poker face. She didn't look very surprised by the fact that her family was super rich.

Once inside, Hunter pulled him to the centre of the living room. He cleared his throat and the previously noisy hall became silent.

"This is The Katana's future leader-" that broke out a bunch of voices. "Quiet!"

"All of you will take care of him as one of our own." He continued when they shut up.

Diana's poker face was starting to piss him off. She hadn't spoken a single word to him since he got on the plane. He saved her life, the least she could do was to recognise his presence.

"-guards should be positioned on all points." Hunter continued giving out orders. "The cameras and the security system is on but I'm not taking any risks. Fox will give out the rest of the orders."

Hunter nodded at the girl who dragged him to the plane. Before he could leave, Sebastian spoke.

"One of our own?"

"Would you rather they treat you like the piece of scum you are?" He replied, his voice like steel.

Sebastian didn't know what he did to piss the guy off.

"He gets moody like that sometimes." A voice broke into his thoughts.

He turned to a familiar but not friendly face.

"You're gunner right?" Sebastian asked

"Call me Alex." He replied. "I'm going to hit the club, later on, you in?"

"The club? You guys live in the middle of nowhere."

"Yeah, it's a two-hour drive." Alex shrugged.

"You are ready to drive two hours to get a drink." He clarified.

Alex raised his eyebrow. "You in or out."

"Yeah, I'm in," Sebastian smirked.


Sebastian wiped his sweat and continued to punch the living hell out of the punching bag. He felt just at home.

"This is not home." He muttered to himself.

He placed his head on the punching bag trying to get his breath steady.

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