Chapter Five: Clash between a Devil and a Shinigami

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Y/N: And that's how I met Ichigo, his family, and Rukia.

Halibel: It seems you guys didn't get off well as I assumed.

Y/N: Meh it was kind of my fault that it happened, I was trying to get used to my new surroundings.

Halibel: And what about Renji? Didn't the two of you fight?

Y/N: Humph, yes... He and I did go at it, I have to admit, he was the first challenge that I've ever faced in this world, before I met an even bigger challenge as well.

~Back to the Story~

Forgetting about Rukia for right now your mind was focused on carving apart the man that stood in front of you, he was not reasonable at all which at the moment made you happy. Your blades clashed before you leaped back watching as Renji ran towards you, he leaped into the air before coming at you once again with a downward strike.

Blocking with Yamato you felt the ground crack underneath you from the force, you grunted a bit though from the force. You grinned from this before quickly pushing the redhead back he landed on the building before you lunged at him, he quickly moved his sword in front of him to block your attack, he wasn't expecting you to move so fast.

But you expected this and quickly vanished behind him and delivering a kick to his back knocking him off balance, just enough for you to land a powerful knee to his head knocking him into the side of a building. Reappearing once again you grabbed him by the throat and reappeared in the sky just above the clouds before tossing the Shinigami with all your strength into the ground beneath you.

This resulted in a large dust cloud which many people could see yet weren't able to see the person who had hit the ground, you stood on one of the buildings close by looking at the crater. You looked at it closely when you quickly tilted your head to the left just as a sword came down ready to cleave your head in half. 

Turning around you quickly kicked Renji in the stomach causing him to skid across the building using his sword to stop himself. You smirked seeing the hateful glare on his face along with the scratches here and there.

Y/N: Wow... You're a lot faster than I thought, almost as fast as me.

Renji: Damn you.

Y/N: So... How did you manage to move like that?

Renji: It's called Shunpo (Flash Step), all the Shinigami can perform--

Y/N: But it seems that you're not as fast as me though.

Renji: SHUT UP!

Y/N: I'm just pointing out the obvious.

Renji: ARGH!

The red-haired Soul Reaper grew annoyed from hearing this and rushed at you once again a smirk appearing on your face again.


Rukia sat on the ground and watched with relief that Ichigo had taken out the hollow that was here, but she was now wondering as to what was taking you so long to get back. She could tell that you were quite powerful so you should be able to deal with it, but it feels like there was something else in the way.

Something in her was telling you that you were going to be busier than Ichigo was right now but the question was what could be the reason. She looked towards Ichigo who looked down at himself, the power going through him was almost unbelievable to him, it almost felt like he was in a dream and he did not want to wake up from it.

But suddenly he looked off in the distance feeling your strange reiatsu and another one wondering what was going on but thought it would be best not to get involved at the moment.

A Devil Among the Shinigami: Vergil Reader x BleachWhere stories live. Discover now