Chapter Two

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I was in shock as I watched Greyson shake his backside in front of everyone, his cup of spiked punch spilling with every other slight gesture of his arm.

Folding my arms in amusement, I couldn't resist the laughter that fought its way out of my mouth.

I should've tried to keep a better eye on him, especially warning him about the possibility of the punch being tainted with it being a high school party.

Suddenly, he threw the cup of punch and narrowly missed hitting a couple of people as they jumped out of the way.

He began to unbutton his pants, gaining excited shouts of encouragement from everyone; consequently, I immediately jumped to stop him.

"No, no. Greyson... no, stop," I chuckled as he kept slapping my hand away.

"Gosh you're a mess."

I helped him down from the table and felt his body go limp as he fell.

Helping him up, I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous he was being.

"You're so drunk," I whispered.

With his eyes hale shut, he shook his head dramatically, looking dazed.

"I'm absolutely... not drunk. You're-you're the one–"

"Let's take you home huh."

I grinned as he grabbed my chest to keep himself stable, resting his lips near my neck.

"I'm so tired," he whispered.

I spotted Ellie watching us in awe, emerging from a group of dancing teens.

"What the heck happened to Double T?"

"He's drunk."

"Ah man, he looks like he's in a hell of a good place right now," he laughed as Greyson chuckled.

"Yea, well are you ready to leave or do you want to stay?"

Ellie frowned as he followed Greyson and I outside.

"I have to go anyway, it's almost my curfew."

"You have a curfew?"

He almost seemed unsure how to answer me as he stood behind me, watching as I opened the door for Greyson.

"Well not everyone is like you and has very lenient parents man," he deadpanned.

I nodded, gesturing for him to get in the car.

Sitting in the front seat, I watched as Greyson lolled his head on the back of his seat, his lids shut tight.

Ellie sat up front with me.

"Man, he's extremely wasted huh?"

I exhaled a deep breath, shaking my head.

"Yea, he's never been able to take alcohol well. I'm surprised he's even drank this much in the first place. That stuff is gross," I mumbled as I turned on Greyson's car to leave.

"Maybe he was just trying something new huh... for the experience maybe?"

My eyes found their path on Greyson's reflection in the rear view mirror, and I contemplated.

Or he could've been too wrapped up in his surroundings and anxiety to really care about anything else.

He might not have been able to focus on the punch; he probably gulped it down without even thinking.

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