A Map I Made

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I have made a map using inkarnate.com to create a map for something I thought of.  I think I will make an entire world and write a dedicated story to this idea I have.  It won't be a story for jokes like my other stories, but it will be a genuine story.

  It won't be a story for jokes like my other stories, but it will be a genuine story

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Comment your own thoughts on these questions:

What should I name this story?  

What should I name the continents?  

What should I name the towns and cities (capitals too)?

How many gods and what are their names and abilities?  (You have to create a god itself and describe it.)

What are the types of beastmen and special abilities?

(Btw, there are monsters instead of demons because demons are a type of beastmen, and even though they are considered evil, they are sentient.  Monsters are like deadly animals, in a way.)

What are the climates going to be like?

What are the currency conversions and types of coins?

How many seas/oceans are there and what are their names?

How much of the water is freshwater and how much is saltwater?

What are the types of magic?

What are the combinations of the types of magic?

What is the main character going to be and do in the story?  (Has to be female :P)

Can you think of some secondary characters?

What else can you think of for this that I can't think of?


Well, that's all the questions I can think of at the moment.  I hope once I get a bunch of comments, I can start to create this story and bring something that you and I made for both of us.

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