Chapter 15: May, 1 Year Later

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Los Angeles, California

End of Freshman Year of College

I walk into the cafe and see Jonnie and Sam talking amongst themselves. Jonnie says something and Sam turns around. Her smile grows big and waves at me. I wave back and sit down next to her. 

"It's so good to see you!" Sam says as she hugs me tightly.  "How is UCLA?"

"Its great! I am really enjoying myself classes are hard but what else is new." After I graduated I accepted a full ride scholarship to UCLA.  If it wasn't for my guidance councilor none of this wouldn't have happened. 

"How about you guys hows college been for you guys?" Sam and Jonnie went to college outside of Juniper. Both are Texas schools but in different towns. 

"Its been good. Next year we are planning getting apartment somewhere in the middle between our two colleges and live together." Jonnie says as he drinks his coffee. Jonnie is going to school for Physical Therapy and Sam is on the pre-med track. 

"Have you decided your major yet?" I shake my head. 

"I am taking mostly gen eds right now. I still have till next year to declare so." They both nod. 

"Have you met any cute boys yet?" I chuckle as I rub my face. 

"Why did I know that this was coming?" I say.

"Please tell me you haven't been here not living it up?" Sam says in disbelief. 

"I have been on a couple dates...But none of them sticked." 

"Why do you think that is?" Jonnie asks. 

"I dunno. Its either because i am uninterested or he is an ass or he just wants to fuck. Just hasn't worked out." 

 "Or maybe because you still have feelings for a certain someone." Says Sam.

"Or maybe its because i haven't found someone yet." I say to her slightly annoyed. "He made his decision. I learned my lesson." 

"And what lesson is that?" Sam says in an abrupt tone. I roll my eyes.  Here comes Mama Sam. "Listen you did nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with you putting your guard down and trusting people. A lot of people struggle with that. Its a great quality to have!"

"Then why am i the one hurt?" I say bluntly. They both don't say anything. 

"People hurt people Reggie, no one is perfect. Im sure they are some times you hurt his feelings." Jonnie finally says. 

"Jonnie has hurt my feeling lots of times..." Sam says

"Ditto." Jonnie winks back.

"I think it wasn't fair for Bailey to ask you to stay...  But i also think you shouldn't have ended the relationship because of it." 

"He is the one who gave me the ultimatum. Not me. I was willing to do long distance." 

"Not to give him excuse but-"

"Then don't give him one." i deadpan. "Look its been a year i really want to forget about him and move on with my life." 

"I can tell he misses you." Jonnie says. "When i visit him from time to time at his house... He just.. I dunno he is different now. Like he has definitely taken a step back." 

"Did he stay in Juniper instead of going to college?" I ask. They both nod. To be honest i think its kind of sad. he cant stay with his mom forever, but whatever. Its not like I know anything about parents. 

"Juniper is having a Festival and we were wondering if you were interested in coming." 

"Hell No." I say annoyed. 

"You be surprised how much has changed in a year. They got a new mayor." Jonnie says to me. 

"The Festival is called Unity. Its suppose to encourage unity between Riverside and Juniper." Sam explains. "They are going to have a carnival there! A CARNIVAL REGGIE!" 

" NO. I am not going." I say as i sip my coffee. 

"How about this.. If you come. I'll do anything... ANYTHING for you!" 

I squint at her. "Anything?"

She puts an evil grin on her face. "Anything." I lean forward and give her the same face. "Pay for my plane ticket then i'll go." 

"Fuck. Fine!" Sam as she breaks character. I smile as I sip my coffee. 

"What the fuck did I just experience?" Jonnie says confused. 

" I know what you are trying to do, but it ain't going to work." I say. 

"Sweetheart i know you better than you know yourself. We shall see." Sam says slyly. 

 I know she is hoping I would get back together with Bailey but i gave all i had into that relationship and I can't do it again.

I wont do it again. 

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