Chapter Nineteen: Daddy's Girl

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Adam gave my hand a squeeze as I stared at my father and Kate. I bit my lip as the both of started to walk where they were sitting. Calm down, Sophia, you can do this.

“Let’s leave them alone,” Adam said to Kate, gesturing to me then to my father.

I didn’t want to let go of his hand just to sit across from my father to finally talk to him. He saw the annoyed part of myself in the time of his visit, Adam convinced me to finally tell him how I really felt about his whole engagement to a girl I don’t know.

Kate shared a look with my father and he nodded at her, telling her to give us some privacy as we had this conversation. He leaned down and he kissed her on the cheek and I snapped my head to Adam’s direction, my eyebrows creasing with anxiousness.

“You’re strong,” he whispered, finally letting go of my hand even though I didn’t want him to, “I’ll be at the other table, call me anytime you want to.”

I nodded and he smiled, pulling out the chair for me like a gentleman. Kate stood up from her spot next to my father and she looked at me.

“Hello Sophia,” she greeted. Like usual, I ignored her.

Now am I a wonderful ray of sunshine or what?

I closed my eyes, trying to collect my thoughts as Adam escorted her away from the both of us.

“Haven’t seen you in a while, Sophia,” Robert Valentine said, wrapping his finger on the mug of coffee, “But I know that you have been busy.”

I gripped the table cloth as I tried to collect my thoughts. I promised to Adam that I won’t snap within the first sentence, but if I’m going to do that, I need to choose my words correctly.

“How have you been, dad?” I inquired casually, lifting my hand to order my own coffee. I need something to calm me down if we’re going to talk like this.

He shrugged, leaning against his chair as I straightened up more on my chair, “I’ve been trying to help Kate with the wedding plans.”

The way he looked at me was a clear reprimanding stare that meant that I should have been there to help his dear fiancé. Dad, for once please open your damn eyes and see that I don’t like Kate, it’s going to take the flipping universe in order to bring me even close to the idea.

Maybe he thought that when I said yes to his invitation for lunch, I finally dropped my stubborn act and agreed to play dress-up with her.

No, just no.

“All of those people in the bridal shop are asking where you are,” he continued on, he paused momentarily when my coffee arrived. The waiter asked for our food and we just ordered the same thing, the one that was first listed off in the menu to make him leave faster.

“They’re giving Kate special attention because of you,” he told me, “You’re really something in this town, or any town for that matter.”

I nodded at him, refusing to speak. I wanted to make sure we had no interruptions so I waited for our food as he tried to fill our silence with mindless chatter.

 “I really wish you were there with us,” he sighed and when I saw our waiter delivering back our food, I chewed on my bottom lip as he set the plates on our table. He gave us a small nod as he retreated away from our table.

I eyed my untouched coffee, I’m pretty sure it had gone cold already, before switching my gaze to the sandwich that I had mindlessly ordered.

 “Sophia, it would be nice if you actually talked to me,” the patience in his voice was thinning.

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