Chapter Six - Ally

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The red smoke continued to billow from beneath the horizon, hanging in the air like Dunyasha's words. The steaming remains of their own fire hissed feebly at Aysel's feet.

Letters. Letters were attacking. Feelings welled up inside her and swirled together confusingly. For a moment, everything seemed back to normal. Letters would fight against the wicked Beasts by using the blessings in their blood, and the evil would be washed away before them, and the Ancient Ones would be pleased with their devotees.

Confusion swirled through her. If these things were evil, why was she standing beside one? Why wasn't her blood spikes already at its throat, demanding it remove the curse from her brother or die? She didn't need Enrick, who was likely already dead at the hands of a purifying warrior. She only needed one good shot. She narrowed her eyes, reached for her blade--

And stopped. Betraying someone who just a day ago had leapt in front of a wolfbear to protect her felt so... slimy. She sheathed her blade again, and when Dunyasha had finished gathering her things and muttered, "Come on, Aysel," Aysel followed without a word.

The two walked silently through the forest snow. Dunyasha's bizarre feet spread out and kept her from sinking into the deep drifts, but Aysel, whose snowshoes were still strapped to her back, struggled to stay quiet and keep from getting buried.

"Do you need help?" came Dunyasha's low voice from in front of her.

"I'm fine," Aysel replied, wrenching her leg out of the snow, only to drive the other even deeper. "Ugh. No, I'm not. Let me get my snowshoes."

"No time." Dunyasha turned back and effortlessly pulled Aysel from the snow. She crouched down "Get on."

Aysel's lip inadvertently curled in disgust at being so close to Dunyasha-- again-- but she obeyed anyway. She cautiously wrapped her legs around Dunyasha's thick waist and grabbed onto her broad shoulders, like she used to do when her brother gave her backpack rides as a girl. She was thankful for their cloaks from shielding her from directly touching her skin, but even this contact made her nerves prickle.

Dunyasha didn't seem happy either, but her voice was quiet and calm. "Hold on." And then they were off.

Aysel had experienced Dunyasha's frightening speed and strength before, but this was something else. It was all Aysel could do to hang on for her life as Dunyasha ran on all fours through the forest, dodging trees faster than Aysel could notice them. She had to keep her jaw clenched to avoid biting off her tongue; Dunyasha's every step seemed to put her in more danger of being thrown off, and the way her hips were higher than her shoulders didn't help. Aysel tightened her arms around Dunyasha's neck and closed her eyes, praying to the Ancient Ones that it would be over soon.

Very suddenly, they stopped. Aysel's body lurched forward, almost sending her toppling over Dunyasha's head. "Sorry," Dunyasha said, standing upright to let Aysel slide off feet-first. The snow was shallower here, having been blown around by mountain wind. Now it carried the sounds of battle towards Aysel's ears. It chilled her even more than the winter night.

"What's the plan?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Figure out what's happening. Find Enrick and get him out without dying."

"That isn't much of a plan."

"Because I don't know much about the situation. We're going to have to find it out as we go." She turned to look at Aysel, cooly appraising her. "Are you ready to fight? I have a feeling you're going to have to."

"I'm ready," Aysel replied, tightening her hand around her blade.

"I should rephrase. Are you ready to fight Letters?"

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