chapter thirteen

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At twenty-four weeks pregnant, Rory, Sadie, and Noah all sat in the living room of Noah's apartment. They had discussed, and agreed about, almost everything about their unborn daughter, all except a name.

"I still think that Liliana is the cutest out of all of these," Sadie said, stating that opinion for the nth time, "I mean, Lillie would be so cute,"

Noah shook his head. He had many names picked out, but they had all agreed to narrow it down to one name each, so they were currently in a battle to figure out which name they would use, "Scarlett. It's a beautiful name for a child and for an adult. It's the way to go," He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest.

Rory rolled her eyes. There were few things that she had to play the peacekeeper about anymore, but names were one of them. Noah and Sadie were both dead set in their opinions, so they were hard to convince of anything. Rory just hoped that they would eventually be able to choose a name, "Rosie is the best, but I won't argue. We all know that I'm right," Rory said, shrugging. She knew that her name was cute, but she would honestly go with any of them.

The names that they had narrowed the options down to were all pretty, in her opinion, so it would honestly depend on what they decided when they met the baby in question.

They were all getting along very well, to Rory's surprise. She didn't expect Noah to be civil with Sadie, let alone getting to know her. Noah had explained that it was for co-parenting and the benefit of their child, but it seemed like more than that. Rory knew that there was no one that Noah could ever hate, but she also found it strange that he didn't show any signs of disliking Sadie. After all, she was the one that convinced Rory of her sexuality and ran away with her.

"We'll decide when we meet her, I guess," Noah shrugged, sighing.

Sadie looked at her watch, "We should get going, Ror," She told her, "we have to get ready and set up for dinner tonight,"

Rory nodded. Rory's father and Sadie's parents were coming for dinner, something that they had planned as soon as they had gotten engaged. It was strange to Rory that her parents had never met Sadie's since when she was engaged to Noah, their parents had been best friends for years.

"Are you nervous?" Sadie asked her, recognizing the look on Rory's face. Sadie understood, she had never had as great of a relationship with her parents as Sadie had, so she never would understand.

"Just a little," Rory admitted, shrugging her shoulders, "I mean, I haven't seen my father in a while. What if he doesn't think that we should get engaged?"

"Why wouldn't he think that we should get engaged? I thought that he was happy for us." Sadie furrowed her eyebrows.

"He is," Rory sighed, "I'm just stressed for no reason. I'm sorry,"

Sadie shook her head, "Don't apologize, I get where you're coming from. Tonight, will go fine, don't worry," She told her nervous girlfriend. Even if the dinner went horribly wrong, Sadie would try to make it okay.

So, the two of them got ready, while Rory shoved the lasagna into the oven for it to be ready by the time they ate. She worried about everything and anything, cleaned the apartment from top to bottom and made sure they had her father's favourite dessert - lemon meringue pie - on hand.

Soon enough, there was a knock on their door. Sadie went to answer it, to find Robbie Bradford, Rory's father, behind it. She stuck out her hand for him to shake.

"Hey, I'm Sadie," She said, ushering him inside towards the couch, "it's so nice to meet you. Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked as he sat down.

He laughed, "No, thank you, dear. I'm fine, come, take a seat. I'd love to get to know you," He offered, gesturing to the chair across from him.

Sadie chuckled as she sat down, "No problem, I'd like to get to know you, too," She responded.

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