I'm In Deep Shit.

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Niall POV

"What about him? What did you talk about?" He lets out a long sigh, "He told us he will be going into hiding for a few months. We won't hear anything from him until then."

Anger rises through my body, "What do mean he's going into hiding?! You couldn't track him down! This is the man that kept Haven for all those years!" He nods his head, "I know, you need to calm down and keep quiet. I don't want the others to hear." I scoff and cross my arms, "It doesn't matter, I'm going to tell them anyway. This man knows he has the upper hand and we can't do anything until he comes back out of hiding. This is bullshit!"

I sit down on the bed, "Me and my team leave tonight. You can come back whenever, but be back in time for your sister pool party." I drop my head and groan, "I don't want to go." He walks towards the door, "You know you have to be there." I nod my head, "I know, I know. Plus I'm not going to stay here long." We walk back to the front and I walk him to the door, "I know this frustrates you, but we'll get him sooner or later."

He walks out after that, "No need to tell us. We heard you screaming about it." Jay says as he sits down on the couch. I lean against the wall and look up at the ceiling. I feel a presence near me so I look away from the ceiling and see Haven looking at me. I see worry in her eyes and I show her a small smile, "I'm okay. No need for you to worry."

Four months later

"Haven, let's go!" It's been four months since we've heard from the unknown man. It has also been four months since I took Haven under my care. We are now in May and we are finally done with the freezing weather.

Haven is still the same as she was, except she is not so scared to meet other people. She still comes out of the bathroom naked, she says it's too hot to put clothes on right away. She talks a little more than what she used to.

We are on my way to my office. "Are you taking Bean and Rafiki?" She comes from downstairs with Bean behind her and Rafiki on her shoulder, "Yes." We head to the car and drive to my office. Like I promised Haven, I have been teaching her the things she would need to know. She still asks me to teach her how I do things, but I still tell her no. I don't want her to have anything to do with what I do.

We walk in and see Rylee and Kylie, "Do we have to go to your sister pool party?" Rylee asks as they follow me up to my office, "Yes, If I have to go, you have to go." They sit down on the couch and groan. Jay and Ty walk in and I turn my computer on.

"Why aren't any of y'all working?" Ty shrugs his shoulders, "We just did a case yesterday, let us rest." I roll my eyes and look to see if I have any more cases. To my surprise, we don't. Ever since the situation in the UK happened, we haven't had many cases. We would have at least two in a week. "Don't forget about my sister pool party tomorrow." I point at Jay and Ty, "We're not going to forget."

Before I can even say anything, Dexter comes in. "Hey, sexy!!" Rylee and Kylie say at the same time. Dexter winks at them and Brit comes in after him. "I love coming to your job. I get two beautiful women welcoming me, but when I smile at your sister I get a glare and her telling me to fuck off or go to hell." Rylee stands up and walks over to Dexter.

Dexter wraps his arms around Rylee's waist, "But then again I don't mind having someone like you." He says to Rylee as she whispers in his ear and his eyes widen, "What the hell are y'all whispering about?!" We all look towards a furious Brit with shock eyes. She looks at me and I show her a mischievous grin. "Someone's jealous."

"Why do I feel so much tension?" We turn to the voice and see Jada. "Brit jealous of Rylee and Dexter." Brit hits me on my arm and I step away from her, "What?! It's true!!"

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