Chapter. 30

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Nicole Vargas

"I don't understand, will you finally tell me why you have been so grumpy for the past two weeks?" Rose sighed as she handed me a stack of papers. "These are the files of the final models."

"Thank you." I answered curtly as I continued doing my work on Rose's laptop. Last night my laptop suddenly stopped working. I called an mechanic and today I had to drop it off at his office. I could pick it up in the evening he said. In the meantime I had to find another laptop where I could work on.

"Nicole...," Rose grabbed the laptop and placed it on the other side of the table. "What happened? Why did you move out? It has been two weeks, I deserve to know why there are so many roses at the reception."

Rose placed her hands on her hips and rose her eyebrows up at me. Her eyes studied me -like how she did for the past two weeks-, but as always I just remained calm.

"There are more at my apartment...Oh and also cards. Millions of them." I answered, avoiding eye contact with her. I stared at the marble table, staring nervously at my polished nails. Yesterday I went to the nail salon to get my nails done. A way to distract myself from Ethan and his constant calls and deliveries.

He even send dinner last night. Pizza from domino's. I ended up giving it to the homeless guy who lived in the park across my apartment.

"Seriously Nicole. What happened? Your fashion show is next weekend. You will not achieve anything if you are so grumpy." Rose asked impatiently as she let out a small groan. She looked at me intently, but I didn't budge.

I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"Rose, it's nothing. It's something between Ethan and I. I don't want you to worry about it." I said, smiling tightly at her. She was still standing next to me, her eyes pleading me to spill. "Rose, I am fine. Honestly."

Rose shook her head and glared at me. "No, I know it is bothering you. If you will not tell me, this fashion show will be canceled until further notice."

"What?! You cannot do that." I yelled out. I have been working my butt off the past few weeks so the fashion show wouldn't be a flop. The guest list, invitations, and everything else has already been ordered. Moving the date would be a waste of money.

"Oh I can honey. Don't underestimate me." She chuckled and sat down on the chair next to me. "So, will you tell me now?"

I crossed my arms and leaned back on the leather chair. The room was quiet, the only sound coming from the air conditioning. I stared outside the huge window in Rose office. I was contemplating whether I should tell her or not. Knowing Rose, she would freak out.

The past two weeks has been a blur for me. After I walked out of Ethan's house in my peignoir I slept in a hotel for three days before finally moving into an apartment. It was easy to find an apartment with the emergency money dad gave me. This certainly was an emergency.

I left my clothes and makeup at Ethan's house and purchased new one. I did not want to step foot on his property ever again until he realize what he did wrong and why I was so mad at him. I still cannot believe that he brought his ex-girlfriend home. I don't know what possessed him to do such a shameful thing.

I told Rose that I moved out, but I didn't tell her the reason why. She offered me a place to stay, but I knew better that time. The only reason she offered me is to know the reason why I left Ethan.

But I wasn't ready to tell her. She deserves to know, but I know what her reaction will be. She would hire an assassin to kill Veronika. There's no doubt in that. The way she spoke about Veronika-with so much venom in her voice- there's no doubt that she would kill the woman.

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